I Remember Thinking I Had You

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A few weeks had passed, and Padmé had been summoned by Palpatine three more times. On the last time, he stopped in the middle of his "questioning", looking at her intensely. Then he cackled and sent her on her way.

Padmé had stayed in her room since, too nauseous and exhausted to do anything else. She blamed the electrocution for her pain, hoping that resting would make her feel better.

One morning after throwing up her breakfast she approached Anakin in their bedroom.
"Anakin, can we talk?" She questioned.
"Can it wait, Angel? I need to meet with my master."
"Alright, I'll be here," she sighed as he left.
"Is everything alright milady?" Nova asked quietly. Padmé turned to look at the girl, smiling kindly.
"Of course. Would you like some help?" Padmé walked over and picked up the other pile of laundry full of the twin's clothing.
"Oh, it's alright milady, I can do it." Nova said quickly.
"It's no trouble. I need something to keep me occupied anyway." Padmé protested. She walked off to the twins room without another word. Nova stared after her, furrowing her brow it wonder.

Suddenly, Padmé dropped the clothes and ran for the bathroom. Nova jumped and followed her, staying outside to give her privacy.
"Are you alright milady? Can I come in?" She asked worriedly. She was only met with the sound of retching, so she decided to go in and see if she could help in any way. Padmé glanced at her before ducking her head back into the bowl.

Nova hesitantly kneeled behind her and held her hair out of the way. After a moment, Padmé sat up and leaned on the wall. Nova quickly took a cup from the sink and handed her some water.
Padmé took it gratefully and had a few sips.
"Thank you, Nova," she sighed tiredly.
"Are you feeling okay milady?" The handmaiden asked.
"I feel okay now. I thought it was a bug and the nausea would go away after a few days." Padmé replied.
Nova frowned, looking down and fiddling with her dress nervously.
"Milady, pardon me if I'm overstepping, but have you considered the possibility that you're..."


Anakin didn't return until late afternoon. He sighed in exhaustion and sat on the bed beside Padmé, greeting her with a kiss. She smiled, briefly forgetting her anxiety.
"Are you alright, Ani?" Padmé giggled, pushing his messy hair out of his face.
He groaned and dropped his head onto her shoulder dramatically.
"Too many meetings for one day."
"Now you know as I felt as a senator," her smile fell at the mention of her old life. She cleared her throat.
"Mmm?" He hummed in reply.
"I wanted to talk to you about something."

He quickly lifted his head, looking at her with concern.
"Is everything alright?"
"Yes, well... I'm just worried. I haven't been feeling well lately and I think I might be pregnant,"

Anakin's face lit up.
"That's amazing, Angel! Why are you worried?"
"It's just, this isn't the right place for another child, and Palpatine..."
"Don't worry, Padmé. My master will be thrilled!" Anakin grasped her hands.
"What? Why?"
"He mentioned that we should have more children. Imagine how powerful they could be if they were trained."
Padmé pulled her hands away, standing up angrily.
"Are you serious? No! I will not have that man control my family more than he already does!" She yelled.
"Shh, Padmé. It's alright, sit down," he took her hand and gently pulled her back to sit on the bed. "We're not even sure you are pregnant. I'm just saying that it wouldn't be such a bad thing if you were," he wrapped an arm around her as tears started to fill her eyes. Anakin kissed her temple and held her.
"It'll all be okay. You'll see."

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