The Worst Thing That I Ever Did Was What I Did to You

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The heavy footsteps put the stormtroopers on high alert. It was a sign that Darth Vader was heading their way, and that meant trouble. Their leader was even more irritable and quick to anger than usual. Everyone knew that it was due to the fact that Lady Vader and their children hadn't been seen in days. The stormtroopers were left to speculate whether Vader had locked them in their room or if they had escaped. They hoped for the first option, knowing that the latter possibility would mean bad things for them.

Vader stormed down the halls, his black cape billowing behind him. The stormtroopers stood tall as he went past them, but he didn't pay them any mind. The Sith Lord stopped at the medical bay and slammed the door open with the force. The halls shook.

The medical droid inside simply looked up. "Lord Vader," it addressed him formally.
"My wife came here a few days ago. I need to look at her file."
"I'm sorry Lord Vader, but it is against my programming to share private records of patients."
"I don't care. You will show them to me now." He commanded.

"I can not breach patient confidentiality." The droid said. Vader ignited his lightsaber and slashed through the droid, releasing his anger and built up rage as his family's abandonment. He knelt over its pieces and pulled out the hard drive.

Vader quickly opened the records on his com link and scrolled through the files.

He searched until he found the ones he wanted.
Padmé Amidala Vader
Luke Ruwee Vader
Leia Shmi Vader

He scanned the children's records quickly, not finding anything suspicious. He then opened Padmé's, and saw that her last check up had been a few days ago, like she had said. Was there something here that caused her to leave him? Vader continued reading until the last notes caught his attention.

Patient Padmé Amidala Vader came in with the symptoms of nausea and a late mensuration. Several tests were performed including blood work, a urine test and scan of the abdomen. It was concluded that she is twelve weeks along.
Diagnosis: Pregnant

Vader roared in anger, demolishing the room without even lifting a finger.

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