Chapter 5 (I'm Here)

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Liam's P.O.V.

I watched Niall, as I leaned over the couch. None of his bruises had disappeared and the boy needed a good shower.

"Niall," I said, leaning down. When his eyes slowly began to open, his heart beat had picked up, as he tried to sit up, his hand slipping on the silky leather.

"D-don't," he pushed me slightly, as I walked around the couch sitting down on the floor.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. Promise," I said softly, moving my eyes onto the boy who was holding his hand out, pushing it against my chest.

"Your kid-ding" he shuttered, his eyes still tightly squeezed shut.

"I'm not., promise. I'm going to help you," he slipped back down onto the couch, letting his arm drop away.

"Nobody ever says that stuff to me. Never. You're lying, you are," I got onto my knees.

"I'm not. If I was, I wouldn't of brought you here. I would left you to die out on the streets. I'm not like those other people. Please, trust me,"

Niall's P.O.V.

I was scared, too scared to open my eyes. I could feel pain all over my body, making me want to cry my eyes out and sob into my pillow. But I had no idea where I was. I was freaking out.

"Please, don't hurt me," I kept repeating.

"I'm not going to," the broad British accent spoke back. I slowly opened my eyes as I got curious. I wanted to know who was really talking to me.

"See? I'm not going to hurt you. I'm helping," the boy had brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, thick pink lips, and white teeth.

"Who are you?" I whispered.

"I'm Liam. I'm not really from around here"

"Why are you helping me?, I wanted to die"

"Nobody wants to die, trust me, you don't" he had stood up by now, sitting down right at the end of the couch,

"You don't know me, or my pain"

"No I don't, but I'm just trying to help you, I have stayed with you this whole week, trust me, I'm not like the people you probably know, I'm different" I looked at the taller boy, before looking down at my clothes and body.

"What happened to me?"

"I don't know, I found you that way, I didn't know what to do, sorry"

"My dad, he is here isn't he?"I began to shuffle up the couch.

"No, your dad isn't here, it's okay, it's just me" he was speaking softly, and gently something I wasn't used to.

"Where is he?" Liam shrugged.

"I don't know"

"Your lying, you are!"

"No I'm not, I seriously don't know where he is" he rested his hand on my knee, making me jump slightly.

"Your lying I know you are, your just holding me here so my dad can come hurt me again, don't touch me please" Liam frowned before I felt a jabbing pain in my stomach making me wince slightly.

"No, I promise you, your dad can't get you, it's just me, just me Liam Payne from England, nobody else" I jumped when the doorbell went making me fall of the couch, I held the blanket against my shaking body.

"Niall please calm down, your going to hurt yourself" Liam stood up walking over to the door, I pulled my blanket over my head.

"Niall it's just room service, nothing to worry about, what's so scary about people?" Liam asked before gently placing the food on the table in front of him.

"You wouldn't understand, you never will" I felt the memories all come flooding back to my head, the time my dad punched me for forgetting to get him a cup of coffee, when I walked into a group of man out front a night club and got my head bashed in, it all came popping back making me break down and cry, dropping my head into the blanket,

"Niall it's okay" Liam said smoothly before softly wrapping his arms around me, it felt different to have someone hug me, nobody ever hugs me. Let alone confront me, and bring me into their home.

"I'm sure you can get threw whatever has happened to you" I turned my head dropping it into his shoulder, I just let the tears fall rapidly.

"Please don't make me go back to my dad"

"I promise, I won't" I looked up running my sleeve over my sore eyes.

"Why are you being so nice to me, why?"

"Because your hurt Niall, your hurt, you need somebody to help you"

"I'm more the hurt, I'm broken" I cried dropping my head back onto his shoulder.

"I bet you are"

"I don't wanna live anymore, why can't I just die, nobody will have to see my ugly face again, and you will never have to put up with me again, I'll leave this place and be pain free forever, because nobody loves me"

"Please don't die, I hardly no you but I know that you need help, I should take you back to England and everything will be okay"

"England?" He nodded as I sat up, my back arching.

"It's peaceful over there, really great people and my mum can make sure your okay, she is a nurse, she helped me"

"You have a mum?" He frowned before nodding.

"Yeah and a dad" I jumped at the word dad.

"Your dad doesn't hurt you does he?"

'No Niall my dad doesn't hurt me, he is loyal and gentle, just like everybody's fathers"

"Not my dad, my dad hurts me, abuses me, you don't understand the pain"

"Niall your dad wouldn't hurt you"

'He does!" I almost screamed, pushing him slightly.

"He does" I mumbled, he sighed as I began to cry again,as he wrapping his arms around me.

"Lets get you cleaned up shell we"


Aww poor Nialler!

So I wasn't tired but then all of a sudden I got hit by a tired wave and I'm really sleepy,

I'm gonna sleep now!  

This is a really shit chapter! 



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