Chapter 27 (Moving Home, And Harry)

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Liam's POV

I rolled over expecting to feel Niall beside me, as I was always the one awake first, but instead he was gone, I frowned sitting up, and looking around, rubbing my eyes as I looked for Niall, I smiled when I smelt the cooking downstairs, wouldn't surprise me if he was down there waiting.

I pulled myself into a pair of fresh clothes, running my hands threw my hair quickly untangling it.

I skipped down the stairs, spotting Niall easily, I smiled wrapping my hands around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder, he was smiling, turning his head slightly to look at me.

"After you went to bed last night, I put in for the apartment" he said softly, cracking an egg into the pan.

"And?" I asked, tightening my grip on his waist.

"And it's ours" I spun him around so he was facing me.

"Our own?" He nodded, as I hopped slightly.

"Is this the reason why your cooking?" He nodded, as I gave him a quick peck on the lips, he smiled slipping so he was facing the pan again,

"I never knew you could cook!" He chuckled.

"I worked in Nandos for awhile so, yeah I cook" I smiled kissing his temple.

"I bet it taste great" he blushed, looking away slightly.

"If you keep being innocent and distracting me then it will be burnt" I oouted letting go of him and moving away slightly, pouring myself a glass of orange juice.

"When can we move?" I asked as my mother came running down the stairs.

"They said whenever, so I don't know, when ever you want to" I smiled.

"Tomorrow" my mother frowned.

"Your leaving me?" I nodded.

"Well yeah, I don't plan on living here forever" she sighed.

"And then there was none" I sighed, pulling her into a hug.

"We will still visit!" Niall yelled over his shoulder.

"I bet" she said sarcastically.

"The apartment is only like 2 blocks away, we could walk here, and since we do have a puppy we will be walking her" she smiled.

"I alway new you were the kind one out of the three" I smiled.

2 days later

"I thought we were moving yesterday?" Niall asked, placing a box into the back of the removals van.

"I figured I had more stuff then I thought I did" he chuckled slightly.

"My parents just kept finding more and more of my stuff" he smiled, as I closed the van, walking back towards our car.

I watched Niall bounce slightly, finding his way into the passenger seat.

"Excited Irish?" He frowned.

"Since when did you call me Irish?"

"Since Louis said it"

"Weird" I chuckled, pulling my car into gear and slowly following the van to our new apartment.

"We should invite the lads over" he smiled looking up at me.

"Even Harry?"

"Harry? Have I met him?" He shook his head.

"He worked with me in Nandos...please" he pleaded.

"Oh course Babe, seriously you don't need my pemission" he blushed slightly.

"Oh...but you paid for the apartment" I shrugged.

"Still it doesn't matter" he looked down running his finger over his tattoo, smiling.

"I'm glad I got you on my wrist"

"Same" I held my left wrist up, making me blush.

Niall's POV

I smiled placing my phone to my ear quickly.

"Hazza!" I yelled, listening to his loud raspy chuckle.

"What makes you call Nialler?" He asked, as I sat down on the bottom step of our new apartment,

"I want you to come see me" I said hopeful.

"Come see you in England?"

"Yeah or course!"

"Really your inviting me to come to see you?"

"Yes Harry!"

"I'll come...I could do with a good holiday!" I cheered, making Liam look up from the boxs he was holding.

"Thank you Haz!" I heard him chuckle.

"So when am I coming to see you?"

"This weekend!"

"See you then Irish" I frowned, hanging up.

"Everyone calls me Irish now" Liam chuckled, stepping past me as he headed upstairs.

"Cause you are Irish babe"


"That's where they get the nickname from snowflake"

"Right" he smiled, placing the box on the floor.

"Come help me unpack, beauitful" I blushed running up the stairs.

"Your so cute when you blush"


Sorry for the slow updates in tired had a very eventful week,

I had a camera stuck down my nose today, it felt so weird, my nose is still numb, and erghh'

Oh well here it is , chapter 27 only a couple more till it's finished!


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