Chapter 21 (Feelings)

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Liam's POV  

I sat on the couch, staring down at the smaller lad, his eyes staring at his phone, as his father's number flashed. 

"Get it away" he turned away from his phone, I bent down picking it up. 

"Sorry" he turned around looking at me, his eyes softening. 

"What are you sorry for?" He asked, slowly standing up and taking his phone from me, walking over to the rubbish bin in the kitchen and throwing it away. 

"I don't know" I said quietly, tapping my foot, he looked down at his perfectly healed scars, showing nothing but 2 faint white lines. 

"If I could make theses lines disappear I would" he whispered, sitting down beside me, I sighed pulling him closer, so his face was buried in my shoulder. 

"I wish I had more money so I could buy you a better present"  

"You not being mute or hurt is good enough for me" he smiled slightly, looking up with his blue eyes glossy. 

"It's bound to happen again"  

"No...I won't let it"  

"But it happened, it will happen again" I shook my head, hugging him tightly. 

"It won't"  

"Okay" he gave up like I suspected him too. 

"Your perfect and don't say otherwise" I felt him deepen the hug he was giving me. 

"Thanks Lili" I smiled as my sister walked into the room, cooing. 

"I wish you were gay" I frowned as she walked off, making me think about what she had just said,  

I literally thought Niall was the best thing ever, his perfect hair, his sharp piercing blue eyes, and his crook teeth, but the thing that got me the most, was when he smiled, he made me melt. 

Whenever Niall touched me I got the shivers, I got cravings, I wanted to kiss him, I always find myself staring at his pink, cold lips, or into his eyes, I find myself always wanting to hug him. 

I jumped slightly when I realized what I was, I was gay and falling for my bestfriend, the one I saved. 

It was bound to happen. 

Niall sat up, smiling. 

"It's Christmas Eve tomorrow" I smiled widely, as I saw the smile form on his lips. 

Niall's POV 

I watched Liam hang the Christmas shocking on the fire place, smiling brightly. 

"So tomorrow our house will most likely be full of people, family and mum and dad's work friends, I'm totally for hiding in our room all day" I chuckled. 

"Oh and watch out for my Grandma, she's blind and thinks I have red hair" he rolled his eyes, moving onto fixing the Christmas tree. 

I began to take in his features again,I found myself doing this every chance I got. 

Starting at the top, his perfect brown hair, he blow dries every morning, his brown eyes the colour of chocolate, and always kind and gently. 

His lips, always pink and warm looking, to his before teeth, straight and perfect, everything I would dream of having he had. 

I always new I was gay, but I never believed I would fall in love with the one who saved me, who helped me threw life, who has been there when I need him most, I think of Liam as more of a brother, but clearly my heart thinks other wise. 

"And then there's my auntie Jen, she thinks she can pinch my cheeks everytime I go near her, so keep well away from her" I smiled as Liam continued to speak, ramble actually. 

Stopping to look towards me, I quickly dropped my head, looking at my white lined scars on my wrist, dying to cover them up with something, then it clicked in my head, a tattoo would hide them perfectly. 

"I wanna get a tattoo" I said looking up. 

"Really, a tattoo?" I nodded,  

"To cover my harm, to cover my hurt"  

"Well you if you get a tattoo I want one" I looked straight at him. 

"To cover what?" I asked, he shrugged sitting down next to me. 

"I'm not going to let you get one, if I can't"  

"Why?" I asked. 

"Because from now on, we do everything together" I smiled, giving him a quick hug, sending a quick shiver down my spine. 

"I want to get something that's meaningful, you know, something I won't want to get taken off when I'm older, or worse, want to slide a razor across" Liam shook slightly. 

"You can just look when we get there" I smiled, letting my head hit his shoulder. 

"I wonder what we will get for Christmas"  


I'll be updating quiet a lot over this holidays, as I'm hooked on updating this fanfic, and I have had some really good ideas for it!  



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