Bonus #1

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Emma's POV

Clary had just dropped us off and was hastily walked to meet Jace before the first period.

I skipped off to meet Julian, my boyfriend. We had been dating for 3 weeks now and he made me happier than Cameron ever did.

"Hey." A voiced whispered into my ear, arms wrapped around me and I instantly knew it was Julian. I turned around and kissed his chin.

"Heya!" Julian chuckled at my enthusiasm.

"My family and I are going to a lodge in the mountains and uncle Arther we could invite someone since the cabins big enough for a the whole student body to fit in." Julian asked.

"I'd love too. When is it, Where is it, how long will it take to get there, will it be cold?" I gabbled.

"On Saturday to Tuesday. Its a 7 hour long drive and yes it will be cold so bring a coat." He smirked.

"Stop smirking," I whined and whacked Julians face, "I think dad will let me come, but only if you drive me."

"Of course, we're bringing the mini van so there's plenty of room." He kissed me quickly as the first bell rang and we went to our first period.


"Why haven't you packed you no good slug children!" Arthur screamed as I stood awkwardly at the front of the Blackthorn house, waiting for the others to come down.

Arthur finally acknowledged me and rolled his eyes,"Oh Emma, your here. Goody." He sounded as sarcastic as ever.

"Thank you for letting me come." I said as Julian ran down the staircase with his and Tavvy's luggage in his hands.

"Oh Emma! You're here." Julians face lit up, he put the luggage down and kissed me slowly.

"PDA! I already see enough of this at my own home, I don't need more." Kit gasped, his hand dramatically over his forehead as he and the twins came down the staircase. I noticed Kit's Gucci duffle bag and snorted.

"You know the nike duffle bags are literally $1,000 cheaper than that one." I stated, pointing to my yellow nike bag.

Kit looked at my duffle bag as if it were dog shit, "Who raised you?"
Livvy sniffled a laugh, Ty looked at her in confusion and she explained it was from a meme.

"Anyway!" Julian yelled,"We should get going if we wanna get to the lodge before midnight. Emma can you take Tavvy to the car and plug him in. Livvy, Ty and Kit can you guys get Mark, Dru, Christina, Helen and Aline. I'll go see if Uncle Arthur still wants to come."

"Are we there yet?" Dru whined, her head on Tavvy's lap.

Helen sighed for the 1 millionth time this car ride. Arthur had bailed out so Helen and Aline were taking turns in driving.

"No Silla, its only been 3 hours so we still have a bit more than halfway to go." Helen calmly said. Dru didn't seem satisfied and sighed again.

The sky was getting dark and rain clouds could be seen from ahead.

Julians head was on my lap and we were listening to music through my earphones. Julian looked handsome when he was relaxed, his eyes were closed and his lips formed a small smile. I looked down lovingly at him and weaved my hand through his thick brown curls and nodded my head to the rhythm of the song.

Careful not to move to much I turned around, "Hey guys." I whispered to the people in the backseat.

Ty, Livvy and Kit were at the very back. Ty was reading with his headphones on, Livvy was making a friendship bracelet and Kit was on his phone.

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