Chapter I

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A/N - Please Read
Clary is in Junior year, she and everyone in her books are 17.
Tessa is in college, she and everyone from her books are 20
Emma is a freshman, she and everyone from her books are 14.

I was drawing the scenery from outside my bedroom window, it was a stormy day and the rain was slashing at my window. It was a Friday night and Monday was the first day of my Junior year, hurray! Sense my sarcasm.

I actually like school, learning has always been easy for me, it's more the social part of school that bothers me. I normally hang out with my older sister Tessa who is two years older than me. I'm always alone during snack break so Tessa and her boyfriend let me hang out with them.

My younger sister Emma is the polar opposite of me. She is outgoing, social, attractive, athletic and popular. While Tessa and I got our mums painting and reading genes, Emma got our dads ambition and sarcasm.

I got bored of drawing the rain so I decided to finish reading Paradise Loss, a book Tessa leant to me, begging me to read it. I heard a knock on my door and saw Tessa smiling at me with an empty box in her hands.

"I see your reading the book I leant you. Do you like it?" Tessa asked sweetly, I nodded before returning my attention to the book. "Since I'm leaving for college tomorrow I decided to make charity boxes, anything you don't want anymore either goes into the charity box or is thrown away." Tessa explained, she thumped they box on my bed and stroked my hair.

"Do have to go? And all the way to England, are you serious?" I started, "Do you hate Emma, dad and I that much?" Tessa only giggled. "The college I'm going to in England has the best literature program I could find and also, I'll be coming back for Thanksgiving and Christmas so don't stress to much."

"What's going on here? A secret sister meeting without the jem of the party herself!" Emma said, dramatically flopping on my bed. Her blond hair haloed around her.
Tessa, Emma and I looked completely different yet everyone could tell we were sisters. Tessa had long brown hair and grey eyes, I had red hair and green eyes, and Emma had blond hair and brown eyes. I looked almost identical to our mum but my sisters looked nothing like our parents. Our dad had hair so blond it was white and green eyes.

"Talking about jems, what are you gonna do about Jem before going to college? You know long distance relationships never work out." Tessa sighed and rubbed her temples patiently, she and Jem has been dating for two years now and it was obvious that they were in love. But Tessa always put her studies first and everything else second.

"I don't know. But let's go down to the kitchen and help dad cook the roast. He never seems to get it right." We went out of my room and into the dining room, unsurprisingly Jem was sitting at the table talking to our dad about college and music scholarships. Jem and Tessa shared a quick kiss before we all sat down and ate dinner.

"I have a surprise for you, Tessa." Jem sounded excited, he always looked so handsome when he got excited I thought. Jem handed Tessa a piece of folded paper which she opened carefully, after reading over it a few times she finally spoke. "Its-it's a plane ticket. For England." She stammered, Jem nodded happily, "Have you already paid for it?" Jem nodded again but his smile was starting to falter.

"Can I please speak with you outside." Jem and Tessa left the table and went out the front, the three of us sat in an awkward silence with the sound of yelling coming from the front. "Thanks for dinner dad but I'm tired, night guys." I said sleepily, they said goodnight.

I sluggishly went up the stairs and into my maroon coloured bedroom that was a pigsty. I liked my room messy, I knew where everything was and nobody else did. That meant no one knew about box of love letters I kept in my wardrobe.

Whenever I had a crush on someone that was so intense I didn't know how to deal with it, I wrote a letter. I wasn't ever going to send the letter, oh no, they were for my eyes only. There were three letters in total. One to Jace Herondale from spin the bottle in 8th grade, one to Magnus Bane from homecoming, and one for Jem - Tessa's boyfriend and my best friend.

Before Tessa and Jem started dating, it was me and Jem against the world. He'd play me new songs he wrote on the violin and I'd draw him while he played. We'd share jokes, hang out all the time, ride our bikes to the local soda shop and watch Star Wars every time we finished homework. Of coarse once Jem started dating Tessa, we still hung out it just wasn't the same.

I was rereading through my letters when I saw Emma standing in the doorway looking at me suspiciously. "What are you doing?" I quickly hid the box of letters under some random clothes, "Nothing, how bout you?" Emma rolled her eyes at my stupidity like she says. "Tessa might need you by the way, she broke up with Jem and it's pretty bad."

I gasped, I ran into Tessa's much neater room to find her face down on her bed, sobbing uncontrollably into a fluffy white heart pillow. I sat hesitantly on the edge of her bed and stroked my older sisters hair soothingly. "Mind telling me what happed?" Tessa nodded and rubbed her eyes, her mascara was wiped down her cheek, "Jem bought a plane ticket to go with me to England, and before mum died she told me to never go to college with a boyfriend. So I broke up with him. I broke up with Jem." Tessa started sobbing again and I stayed with her for hours.

If your thinking I should be happy that Tessa and Jem were broken up so I could get together with him, you're wrong. I could never do that Tessa, especially since she's leaving for college tomorrow. I left her room feeling more down than I was before, I placed my box of letters back in my wardrobe and I went to sleep. The charity box still empty on the edge of my bed.

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