Chapter IX

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It was 5am and dad pulled the car up at the school carpark. Today was the day of the ski trip and I had been a nervous wreck all night, I repacked my bags to many times to count and picked out my outfit for the bus ride around fifteen times.

"You've got everything?" Dad asks, I nodded shyly and ran my hand through my hair.

Dad looked at me thoughtfully and smiled kindly. "I know this is out of your comfort zone but life isn't inside of books and you can't paint your future so go out there and live the best life you can."

I nodded and kissed his cheek. "Oh, before you go I have something for you," dad pulled something from the backseat and I saw it was a bag of condoms and pregnancy pills, with a knowing smile, dad handed them to me and grinned innocently.

I looked between the bag and dad in shock and disgust. "I am not going to loose my virginity on a ski trip, what the hell dad!" I yelled, I unbuckled my seatbelt and tried to get out of the car.

"It's just if you and Jace get a little too excited. And you're at the age where sex is a thing you think about and want to experience, now I know you're smart but others may not be. So just in case... I made you a bag of fun!" I scoffed and waved the bag.

"Cause I'm gonna have so much fun with this thing!" Dad laughed, I shoved the bag of fun into my backpack and got my dark purple suitcase out of the boot.

"Bye dad, love you." I blew him a kiss and ran to the bus.

I put my suitcase in the bottom of the bus and walked onto the bus. I saw Izzy sitting at the back with a travel pillow around her neck and her flannel pyjama pants. She had a teddy bear jacket on and was only wearing lip gloss and a bit of mascara, which was very minimal for Izzy.

"Hey sleepy head." I smiled at my friend, she grunted and went back to sleep. I sat in the seat next to her and rested my head on her shoulder, closing my eyes.

Jace walked onto the bus and we stared at each other. His eyes shone with what I think was pain, but he sat near the front and took out his phone. Kaelie walked on next and sat next to Jace with a seducing smile.

I rolled my eyes and tried not to cry, forcing myself to stay on the bus and not run to my dads car where it was safe from my unwanted feelings.

Before I knew it, the bus had started and we were heading on our 3 hour bus trip to the ski camp.


"Alright students, out you get and I'll give y'all your cabin numbers." The head councillor of the ski camp yelled.

I had to carry Izzy off the bus since she stupidly went to a night club and stayed there till 3am last night.

A guy who I recognised as Jordan was chosen to give out the room numbers but once the councillor left, with a mischievous smile, he threw the cabin number slips in the air.

"Who gives a fuck where we sleep, sleep wherever and with whoever you want!" He then whooped making all the boys cheer and the girls squealed, hugging their boyfriends. I rolled my eyes and hid behind Izzy.

"Are you excited to go skiing?" Izzy asked.

"You know I don't do the cold."

"Then what are you gonna do for the whole weekend?"

"I came prepared..." I opened my backpacked and pulled out all the stuff I brought, "I've got face masks, three books, my watercolour paints and a sketch pad." I smiled proudly while Izzy just sighed and gave up.

Magnus skipped towards us and wrapped an arm around Izzy's shoulders.

"Hey Magnus, can you convince Clary to go skiing with us?" Magnus was about to say something till he saw what was in my hands, his eyes widened and he took a step to my side.

"She's got face masks and Izzy darling, you know I can't resist face cleansing." Izzy sighed, flipped us off, and walked upstairs.


"And... I just feel like he's still in love with Kaelie, even though he said he liked me." I sighed. Magnus nodded as if he understood.

"I don't want to be a distraction, and I know I'm being paranoid, but I've never been in a relationship before so I just want to be careful."

Magnus touched up his face mask again and looked professionally at his purple painted nails. "Biscuit, if you want my best advice. I'd say go to the hot tub."

My eyes widened. "The hot tub?"

"He's waiting for you," Magnus smirked.

"You think Jace is waiting for me in the hot tub?"

Magnus snorted, "Hell yeah."

I quickly got out of bed and washed of my avocado face mask, I put a warm jacket on and gave a thumbs up to Magnus who was still in bed before running to the hot tub.

Outside was so freezing that I could see my breath. The hot tub was large, making Jace look so lonely and sad.

"I thought you'd be out here." I smiled and sat at the edge of the hot tub. Jace looked up and smirked a little.

"Oh yeah?" I nodded and dipped my frozen toes in. A shiver of warmth went through my body.

"Why didn't you sit next to me on the bus?" Jace looked nervously at me and I played with the hem of my night shirt.

"You got to sit next to Kaelie, isn't that what you wanted?" Jace scoffed and splashed me.

jace looked at me seriously, "I packed pencils and a sketch book so you could draw, I asked Emma what type of paper you preferred to draw with cause I remembered you saying how much you hated certain types of paper. I wanted to sit next to you."

I blushed and took off my coat, with a deep breath I went into the hot tub, gasping when the water reached my neck. Jace raised his eyebrows and chuckled as I got closer to him until we were sitting face to face.

"Hi." I whispered.

"Hi." Jace whispered back. He lifted me onto his lap in one swift movement. I giggled and put my hands in his hair.

"I'm sorry I didn't sit with you on the bus." I whispered. Jace chuckled again and traced my nape.

"Its fine." I nodded and leaned forward slowly to kiss him.

The kiss was deep and meaningful, for a moment I believed that Jace truly loved me like I loved him. We kissed for a long time, trying not to break contact with out lips, he played with my hair and I played with his. I pulled back with a smirk and got out of the hot tub, Jace followed behind and I blushed when I saw his abs..

"Like what you see?" Jace smirked, he pulled me closer to him so I was up against his chest.

"Damn you Jace, I'm going to bed." I mumbled and pulled away laughing.


Jace walked me to the font of my room and kissed me slowly. He pulled away smiling and put a stray hair behind my ear.

"Night." Jace whispered into my ear.


We waved one more time before I went inside and sighed against the door.

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