Chapter IV

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Lunch came faster than I wanted it to. Jace met me at my locker and pulled me to his side, putting his hand in my back pocket. I was blushing redder than my hair and wanted to shrink into the floor.

When we entered the cafeteria everyone turned to look at us, the boys whistled and the girls gave me dirty looks. I saw Emma sitting with her large group of friends, she turned to see me and she smiled widely and gave me thumbs up. I gave her an I'll tell you later look before Jace led me to his table of jock friends.

"Bro's, meet my new girlfriend Clary Fairchild." He introduced me but kept his hand in my pocket, I gave a shy wave then I was bombed with questions, fist bumps and comments that should not be said in a cafeteria filled with freshmen.

"This girls cute. You sure know how to get em, don't ya?" A boy said and elbowing Jace.
"Jordan, thats a little inappropriate. She's right there." Another guy said to Jordan. Jordan rolled his eyes and put an arm around the boy. "Don't mind him, Simon's new to this." Jordan said, pointing to the quiet boy called Simon.

I laughed and turned to leave but Jace pulled me back to his side and I fell into his chest, I blushed as Jace looked at me and gave me a folded note, like he said he would on the contract. It's probably empty I thought and put it in my pocket, Jace came to my ear and whispered. "Good job, Fairchild."
"Thanks." I whispered back and left the cafeteria to find Izzy.

I was walking down the hall when I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me into an empty classroom. It was Izzy.
"You got Jace Herondale to date you! Kaelie is a mess! I'm so proud of you for getting the guy." Izzy hugged me and I hugged her back. Jace and I swore to not tell anyone that this relationship was fake so I went along with it and told Izzy I was just as surprised as she was.


School ended and I drove Emma home. Emma said she had a bake sale tomorrow and asked me to help, as well as asking me thousands of questions about how I managed to date the hottest guy in school.

I turned down all her questions with a shrug or a brief 'shut up'. Emma and I decided to bake cupcakes for her bake sale. I had flour all over my face and apron and the kitchen counter was filthy with flour and sugar.

And of course when I looked like this, Jace decides to come over.

"Hey Clary. Mr Fairchild." Jace said with a respectful nod towards my dad, dad chuckled and shook Jace's hand. "Is that Jace Herondale? By the angel, you've grown!" Jace laughed.

"I'm here to take Clary to a party, the guys parents are home and there won't be any alcohol." Jace said and grabbed my elbow, my eyes widened and I started protesting. "Oh no. I'm a mess and I'm in the middle of baking cupcakes for Em's bake sale, its a school night. Dad!"

Dad laughed and took my apron off. "Emma and I can finish the cupcakes. You're always at home and I trust Jace to keep you safe. Go get changed quickly and keep my number on speed dial." I groaned and quickly got changed into a khaki green t-shirt dress with an avatar jacket and black boots. I tied my hair into a high ponytail and quickly put some glitter lipgloss and mascara on. I ran downstairs to find dad and Jace laughing about something.

I coughed and Jace's mouth seemed to open a bit when he saw me, I blushed. Dad patted my back and showed us to the door. "No alcohol, no drugs, no touching and be back by 11pm." My dad said, counting each rule with his fingers. Jace nodded. "She'll come back in perfect condition, thank you Mr Fairchild." My dad laughed. "Call me Valentine." I kissed dad goodbye and Jace dragged me to his car.

"I don't want to go." I groaned and pouted in my seat, Jace laughed at me and started the engine. "Its part of the contract. You agreed to this as much as I did. Also, most of the student body will be there so we have to keep up the show, if you don't come with me people will get suspicious." I said fine and we drove to the party.

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