Chapter III

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"Clary, Jem is here to see you!" Dad yelled to me as Emma and I were chilling in my room. My eyes widened and I grabbed my bag, purse and phone. Emma as looking at me expectingly. "Tell Jem I went out." I said to Emma while stepping through my window and onto the roof which was on the second floor. I tripped on the window sill and tumbled down the roof.

"I'm okay!" I yelled to Emma who was looking out the window with a grin, I got my bike and rode to the soda shop. I ordered my usual strawberry milkshake and scrolled through Instagram. The waiter gave me the milkshake. "Anything for your friend?" I looked at her dazed and she nodded to the boy sitting close to me. It was Jace.

"Its fine, can I please get a chocolate milkshake. Thank you...Jane." Jace smiled his dashing smile at the waiter who giggled and blushed even though she was obviously over 50.
"What are you doing here Jace?" I didn't look at him but I could feel him smirking at me. "I'm here for a delicious chocolate milkshake and you just so happen to be here."

I rolled my eyes, "Well if thats all then I'm gonna go-" before I could finish, Jace put a hand on my forearm and pushed me back into my seat. "There's another reason I'm here. Why did you kiss me?" I blushed and laughed a little. "Just so you know Herondale I don't actually like you, I wrote that letter in 8th grade and it somehow got sent out to you. And the only reason I kissed you was because another boy who also got a letter who I actually like was looking at me and I had to make it seem like I didn't like him." Jace had wide eyes after I finished.

"Woah Fairchild. How many letters did you actually write then?"
"I wrote three. One to you, one to Magnus Bane," Jace interrupted before I could continue. "You know he's gay right?" I nodded, "and one to Jem Carstairs." I finished. "Isn't Jem dating your sister?"
"Dated. Past tense, they broke up. So I had to make it look like I didn't like him by kissing you. Tessa would kill me if she found out I like her ex." I continued to slurp my milkshake while Jace was starring at me dumbfounded.

"The main reason I'm here is so I can make Kaelie jealous. She went crazy when she found out you kissed me so I was thinking, we could pretend to date each other then Kaelie will realise what she's missing out and come back to me." I raised my eyebrows at Jace, "So I'm your pawn?" I said, Jace shook his head and chuckled. "You used me so now I'm using you. And if you really want Jem to not think you like him then dating someone else would make it much more believable." Jace made some pretty fair points. I stood up and shrugged.

"I'll think about it. I need to get back home, I'll give you my answer tomorrow." I left and rode home, dad and Emma were playing poker on the table, Emma was obviously winning since she had a smug smile on her face.

"Welcome back Clary, where'd you go? Jem wanted to talk to you." My dad said, I told them I was with Izzy and went to my room. I sighed and flopped on my unmade bed. How did my life turn into a teenage drama?
I closed my eyes and let dreams of Jace and Jem fill my head.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Shut up and let me sleep you stupid piece of plastic!" I yelled at my alarm clock and hit the snooze button.

I decided to wear something more daring today, Jace dated slutty girls but I didn't own anything sexier than a crop top. I put on a mustard yellow crop top under an oversized jean jacket, 3/4 jeans and white vans. I put my red hair in a high ponytail, got a banana and drove Emma and I to school.

Jace had football practice this morning and was finishing practice now. I walked onto the sports field and over to Jace who was packing up the goals, he saw me walking over to him so he ran closer. I stopped right in front of him and looked up at him, Jace was very tall and I barely reached his shoulders. I smiled at him sweetly and nodded my head.

"Let's do this, Herondale." Jace smiled at my confidence, he brought a hand around my waist, pulling me closer, he kissed me for a long time till I pulled away. His friends were hooting and whistling at us, making me blush.
"Okay bye, I'll see you at lunch." I whispered in his ear and ran off the field with only 5 minutes till class.

Lunch finally arrived and Jace and I met up on the outskirts of the sports field. I had notebook in front of me.

"If we are going to be 'dating' we need to make some rules, I have never dated someone before so thats going to be a challenge but you've dated a few girls so how do you want to show us off?" I said, my pen ready on the paper to write our contract. Jace raised his eyebrows at me and thought for a moment. "Well, Kaelie always wanted me to give her notes so I'll give you notes at lunch. She'll be furious." Jace laughed at the thought and I wrote it down. "You're not allowed to kiss me." I stated, Jace groaned. "How are we meant to make this look real if I can't kiss you?"

I thought for a moment, "You can put your hand in my back pocket." Jace chuckled and shrugged. "Its from 16 candles? The movie?" I said, noticing his confusion. "Wait. You've never watched 16 Candles? I'm putting that on the contract, we are watching that." I wrote down quickly, Jace nodded and pointed at the line under mine. "At put down that you have to come with me to parties and footy games." I nodded and wrote that down. "You also have to pick me and my sister up and take us to school. I don't like driving and Emma doesn't trust me driving, if you didn't already notice that." I said while writing it down, Jace laughed sweetly making me blush. "Oh, and you're coming with me to the ski trip in December, that's mandatory if we're dating." My eyes widened.

The yearly ski trip was for jocks and their romantic partners only, it was a trip where more kids lost their virginity than on prom night. I had obviously never been before since I've never been invited and I never planned to go. The only reason I agreed to go was because I was certain that by the time the ski trip came around, this whole thing would be over.

I finished writing the contract and signed my name at the bottom, I handed the pen to Jace who also signed and we shook hands. What had I just gotten myself into?

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