Chapter XVII

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Lunch came quicker than I imagined, the halls were crowded and I felt small among the skyscraper like people. Damn my small genes.

The cafeteria was even more crowded and all the tables were filled with students and lunch trays, but when I walked in, a pair of golden eyes pierced into mine. It was like the world had stopped and me and the man I loved stared at each other from across the room.

He smiled brightly and waved me over. Izzy was already there, sitting on Simons lap and messing with his already messed up hair.

There was barely any room left on the over full table so Jace pulled me onto his lap. His arms snaked around my waist and he rested his chin on my shoulder. I smiled calmly and leaned into his embrace, happier than ever.

"I heard you two made quite a show for the football team this morning." Izzy teased.

Jordan jumped up and down in anticipation, "You should have been there, Clary and Jace confessed there undeniable love for each other and they ended up kissing for, like, ages. If we hadn't been there I'm pretty sure they would've had sex right there on the field." Jace groaned and hid his face in the crook of my neck, I blushed and punched Jordan on the arm.

"We most definitely wouldn't have done that thank you very much, we are civil people, unlike you." I stated angrily, Jace chuckled and played with my hair.

"I don't think anyone on the football team is civil." Jace chuckled, Jordan fist pumped him and winked at us. Alec sighed in annoyance at his best friend. I punched my boyfriend on the chest.

"It's disappointing how little self-control straight boys have." Alec commented. The table laughed and Magnus ruffled his boyfriends hair lovingly.

"You. Are. So. Perverted." I smacked Jace between every word with as much force as I could muster, laughing the whole time. Jace chuckled and took my hands to stop the punching.

"You love me." He stated, a knowing sparkle in his eyes.

I sighed and nodded. "I do love you." Running my hand through his golden locks.

Jace closed his eyes and hummed as I played with his hair. He then looked at me with a serious face, I stopped what I was doing and looked at him anxiously. The others at the table were in their own world, leaving us in private.

"You good?" I asked slowly, Jace's expression didn't change so I grabbed his face and kissed his lips with chastity.

"I love you okay." I whispered after pulling away, Jace smiled and traced my face like he did months ago in my room.

"You gonna break my heart, Fairchild?" Jace whispered, I looked at him in surprise. Jace leaned forward and kissed me softly on the lips again.

"Get a room you dorks!" Jordan yelled. We pulled away laughing.

"Ugh, I need to disinfect my eyes now." Alec joked, rubbing his gay eyes from our straightness.

We laughed and went back to our food. I'm pretty sure the whole student body knew about Jace's and I's relationship since he is the most popular guy in school dating the shy art girl. I smiled fondly at my boyfriend as he ate his mac'n'cheese. Everything definitely is more that in seems.

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