Chapter II

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"Do you have to go?" I whined to Tessa.

We were at the airport, saying bye to Tessa before she goes to England. Dad and Emma had already said bye to her and were now buying her magazines and overpriced bags of popcorn, but they only really left so Tessa and I could have a proper goodbye. We were very close.

"Clare Bear, I have to go and this is a great time for you to make new friends! Go to parties, get a boyfriend, do stuff kids your age should be doing other than drawing through your whole weekend." I groaned and hugged Tessa harder.

"We practically bought every magazine in the store and got you $20 worth of popcorn." Emma exclaimed happily, she handed Tessa a cotton bag and hugged her again, I joined in and it was a group hug.

"Okay, I have to go now," Tessa laughed. "I love you guys. Bye." And she walked away.

"Do you think she'll turn around?" Emma whispered to me. I shook my head and smiled sadly. "No, thats not Tessa." And we drove back to our cottage house in silence.

"Okay, smile girls!" Dad said cheerfully, Emma and I smiled, her more wide than mine.

Emma was stating Freshman year with me and I was in Junior year. Since Tessa had left, it was me who had to drive us to school. Driving a car is actually a simple thing to do, except our mum had died in a car crash last year so driving made me uncomfortable.

"Wait! Before you drive off let me get something real quick." Emma ran off and came back with a black helmet. She smiled innocently at me and put it on, she sat back in the passenger and held the sides of the seats so hard her knuckles turned white. "Okay, I'm ready. Let's go!" I rolled my eyes. "Is the helmet really necessary? I passed my drivers test ya know." Emma sighed impatiently, "This," she pointed to the helmet, "Is very necessary."

I drove to school with no problem but Emma still ran out of the car and hugged the ground once we got to the school car park. We said our goodbyes and I hate you's and we went our seperate ways to class.

First and second period past quickly and it was soon snack break. My school had a large cafeteria where I try to avoid sitting, so I normally sat with Tessa and Jem on the bleachers on the oval. Since they broke up, sitting with Jem seemed like an uncomfortable decision.
Before I could walk away and eat in the bathrooms, I accidentally bumped into my ex-bestfriend, the bane of my existence. Kaelie.
Now, we used to be very close but in 8th grade she decided that she was to good for me and we then became enemies. After I bumped into her she turned around and looked be not so subtly up and down before smirking.

"Hey, now isn't it the shy and quiet Clary. You'd think being a redhead would make it easier for you to avoid people but I guess being as short as you are has let you down." She mocked and twirled her blond hair around an acrylic nailed finger. I death stared at her and hoped she'd leave me alone. "I also see you've chosen to wear...ugh...combat boots." Kaelie looked at my black combat boots in disgust, but before I could say a comeback about her uggs, I felt an arm going around me and I saw it was my best and only friend. Izzy.

"Girl, you are rocking those shoes! Where did you get such a nice style? Maybe Kaelie can learn a thing or two about shoe fashion instead of wearing... Ugg's." Izzy looked at Kaelies shoes in disappointment.

Isabelle Lightwood, Izzy for short, had been friends with Kaelie and I for our whole childhood but when Kaelie turned against me, Izzy turned against Kaelie, who by the way was her cousin. Izzy was beautiful, probably the most stunning girl in the whole school. She had straight black hair that reached her hips, dark eyes, was tall and skinny. Not unhealthy skinny, she was fit skinny. Her parents made her do boxing with her older brother for 10 years.

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