Chapter V

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As I was about to go inside, I saw Jem from across the road running towards me.

"Hey Clary, we haven't talked in a while." Jem stopped about two feet in front of me and smiled. "I've been well. How have you been, after the whole...fiasco?" I asked but immediately regretted it. Jem looked sad at the mention of it and was staring at his shoes, uncomfortable. "Did you... did you know Tessa was going to do it?" I shook my head and smiled sympathetically at him. "I just thought she told you everything." Jem said quietly, we stood in silence for what felt like hours.

"We're did you go with Jace? I noticed you were in his car."
"He was taking me to a friends party, Jordan Kyles." Jem looked at me with dissatisfaction and shook his head. I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms in fury. "Is there something wrong with that, Jem?" I said it with venom, just because I liked him doesn't mean he gets to decide my life. "I just thought he wasn't your type, and you've never gone to parties before. What's gotten into you?" Jem started shouting and raised his arms for emphasise, I scoffed. "Am I such a boring, ugly girl that I can't go out and live a little?"

Jem sighed. "No Clary, you're very pretty. I just don't want you hanging out with the wrong crowd." I rolled my eyes and turned around dramatically. "Good night Jem." And I stormed inside, slamming the front door.

Emma and dad were on the couch watching Americas Got Talent, they turned their heads to me and they gave me questioning looks. "You okay sweetie, you're as red as your hair." Dad asked, Emma giggled. "I'm fine, Jem confronted me just then and was being rude towards Jace saying I was hanging out with the wrong crowd." I frowned. Emma giggled again. "That's because he's jealous, duh." As if it was obvious, she looked back at her phone that was dinging continuously with messages.

"I'm going to bed, love you guys." There was an echo of good nights as I stomped upstairs and slammed my bedroom door. My bed was still a mess and all my clothes still remained on the floor. I should really stop wishing for a cleaning fairy to come along and clean my room for me, but as usual I wasn't bothered and I flopped on my bed with a dramatic sigh. Why must my life me so confusing?

I heard a ding from my phone and saw that Jace had tagged me in his latest Instagram post. It was pictures of us at the party, the first one was a selfie of us smiling at the camera, the second was of me laughing and Jace pulling a funny face, and the third was of me laughing. Jace had been tickling me but I didn't know he was taking a picture. I smiled at the pictures and left a comment.

Clary_FairBear_92: Tonight was fun, love you💕💕

I waited a second before Jace had replied.

Herondaddy_Jace: Love you to babe 😝💗

I liked the comment and giggled.

But this was fake.

I had to keep on reminding myself. I realised I was doing the one thing I swore myself not to do.
I was falling for Jace Herondale.


Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!

I slept in and Jace was going to be here to pick Emma and I up in 10 minutes.

I got dressed very quickly and skidded down the staircase, Emma was sitting on the kitchen bench eating fruit loops. Her long blond hair was braided into two Dutch braids that reached her waist, her perfect figure looking great in the skinny jeans and white tank top she was wearing. I found myself getting jealous of Emma a lot now she was growing up, she was going to be the prettiest of us all I thought. I realised I was staring when Emma flicked my nose.

"Wake up sleeping beauty, you're late and also driving us to school. Dad had to leave 2 hours earlier than usual, he said a patient swallowed a battery that got stuck in his throat." Emma gagged. "Also, are you wearing that to school?" She looked at me in disgust and pointed to my outfit. It was a hot August day so I put a striped tube top with high shorts and combat boots, I put a thin cardigan on top to cover my shoulders. Which the school said is more distracting to boys than my visible stomach.

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