It Cant Be

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Ava has been so happy today so lovable no tantrums no nothing just pure happiness.

I take her to the mall and there is this play place I let her play for a good hour and snap a photo of her not knowing that this photo will be my last.

I take her over to sammys and she meets his girlfriend and we talk. Ava says that she wants to go out on the porch to get her color book and markers. I agree and she hugs me and kissed me on the lips and leaves.

~~~~~~~ 30 minutes Later~~~~~~~~

I haven't heard ava in a while and I start to get worried I run through the house looking for her as warm tears rush out my eyes. I look every where in the house still no ava.

I run outside still no Ava a deadly feeling tells me to look in the car I run over to the car and open the door I see Ava's limp body on the floor and scoop her up as I began to ball Sammy looks over my shoulder and gasps at the discovery. Call 911 I yell.

They come and take ava away but the ambulance was to crowded I couldn't fit I raced to the E.R with Sammy,Nash,Hayes,and sammys girlfriend.

I see the ambulance just arriving and take Ava's body into the E.R I run over saying that's my daughter and they say that she's suffering heat stroke and they are trying to cool her down.

~~~~~~~~ 2 Hours Later ~~~~~~~~

I tell the cops my story and they look at me like I'm a bad dad. How the hell Cameron how did this happen I think in my head at one second everything's fine at the other my daughter is from fighting for her life.

They say that she might not make it because it was really hot today and her body is not cooling down. I'm so scared I don't want to lose her why God why me that's my baby girl my first born my one and only my other half my cinnamon apple my baby.

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