The unexpected visit

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Ava Florence mae Beth is now 6 months old it's sad she still hasn't met her daddy.

I wake up to hear talking in the baby monitor. I sit up and listen maybe it's my mom or my sister. Your mommy is a whore she no good Cameron is trying to leave me, he wants your mommy back he can't leave me so if I just kill you Cameron will like me better and we will raise our baby together.

I jump up and run to Ava's nursery and see Paige holding Ava on her chest they both looked surprised it was kinda funny but it was a to serious situation. Wtf are you doing with my baby you whore. Paige puts her down gently in her crib and pulls out a box knife cutter . She walks towards me and I take two steps back... are you scared you little bitch hmmm see you didn't have to die I was only gonna kill your baby.

Paige don't do this I say scared. Paige then launches at me and cuts my arm it's a really deep cut. I'm trying and trying to fight her off me but she shoves me in Ava's dresser and I grab Ava's pink monkey lamp and smack her over the head twice she doesn't stop she stabs me in my leg. And I scream out in pain I fall to the floor i hear ava crying and looking at me.

I don't want my daughter to see me die right in front of her. I then hear BRITTANY BRITTANY ITS CAMERON WHERE ARE YOU. A little glimpse of hope came to me. CAMERON IM IN HERE I YELL. Paige stabs me 3 more times before Cameron finds me she hops out the window just as Cameron walks in the room. After that everything goes blurry.

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