My 2 Girls

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Today I'm flying out to Minnesota to get Ivy I'm taking her for a week. We landed at the Minneapolis Airport and Brittany's sister Kylee was already waiting for me and ava.

Here Take her asshole Kylee said. Wow what did I ever do to you Kylee you got my sister pregnant and then leave her after having the baby and then to top it all you get her pregnant again and put her in a mental hospital.

Wow and your the angel God sent from heaven uhhh I don't think so I say. Fuck you with that she shoved Ivy in my arms and walked off.

I went to my next flight and hours later we arrived in California ava was so excited to meet Ivy she hugged her and kisses her and told her how much she loved her.

I made mac and cheese and served it to them ava ate it fast. I ran the bath water and stripped them I noticed that Ivy had a couple bruises I saw one on her neck,back,and left arm I brushed it off.

I put Ava and Ivy to sleep and nash come home drunk not surprised. HEY CASH WAZZZZ UPP shhhhhhh nash the girls are sleeping. Nag nag nag all you do is nag like ever since you had ava you've turned into a boring person everything revolves around ava and I respect you for that. you see taylor her has a son and he's only met his son once because he doesn't want to be in his life but then there is you a caring father who loves his kids.

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