Tonight is the night

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My name is Brittany Bush I'm 20 years old and my boyfriend is Cameron Dallas we have been dating for 6 years now.

****Brittany's P.O.V*****
Cam stop it we have to get dressed I wined. Babe lets not go to Jack and Jacks party I'm just so tired lets just stay here and cuddle and watch a little
I mean a lot of Netflix.

Cameron I'm not going to tell you again get your ass up I laughed. Ugh babe sometimes I just wanna cuddle you to death Cameron said.

Suddenly I feel the urge to throw up so I run to the bathroom and vomit I feel someone grab my shoulder length curly black hair, I turn around and notice its Cam. Hey baby you okay ? Cam says in a sincere voice .

Uhhhh yea I lied ..... I really need to tell Cameron I'm pregnant but I cant find the right time to tell him he just came back from Magcon and I just can't find the right words to tell him.
Babe babe you okay I was snapped out of my thoughts by Cameron hey babe I decided we should stay home and watch Netflix. Yay bae your the best I'm going to go get Chipotle do you want a bowl or burrito ? Hmm I want a burrito instead when you come back from chipotle I want to talk it's serious .
Okay Miss Serious I'll be back in about 30.

<<<<<<< 30 Mins Later >>>>>>>
Bae I'm back Cameron yelled. Shit I mumbled I bit my lip to hide the screams that just want to come out. I sit on me and Camerons bed I feel so ashamed I say. For what Cameron asks curiously ? Shit did I say that out loud ? Yes beautiful what are you ashamed for Britt. Cam I have to tell you something I'm so so sorry don't hate me.

WHAT DID YOU CHEAT ON ME Cameron said getting angry. Babe no calm down I'mpregant I mumble. Bæ don't mumble say it again. IM PREGNANT OKAY CAMERON ARE YOU HAPPY NOW ? I glanced at Camerons face and he looked like he saw a ghost he was so shocked I saw so much fear in his eyes I regret looking at him. I couldn't stand the silence Cam say something I say quietly.

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