Chapter 2

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(TW: Mentions of sewer slide)

Night 2: 12:00

(Y/N's POV)

I waited in the elevator as it went down. Finally, another night away from home. I barely even listened to Hand-Unit. Until he started talking once again about options. 

"Using the keypad below, please select a new companion voice. For male, press 1. For female, press 2. For text-only, press 3. For other options, press 4." 

I blinked, very confused. "Theres- Theres no numbers!!!" I tried my hardest to press something, anything, on the keyboard.

"It seems that you had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will auto-correct it for you. thank you for choosing:"

"Angsty Teen."

I face palmed, that was not what I had expected. "Wait, that wasn't even in the options!!" I exclaimed, sighing. Oh well.

"The elevator stopped. You know the routine. You can get out now or... whatever. stay here if you want"

I opened the elevator door, not wanting to get fired on my second day. Sighing at the sight of the vents, i knelt down. "I'll never get used to these..." I mumbled, crawling through. It was silent, until suddenly Hand-Unit.. or.. Angsty Hand-Unit, spoke again.

"So, funny story... a dead body was found in this vent once. Okay, so, not that funny, but... it's a story"

"The hell?!" I suddenly yelled. "Why tell me that?!" Wanting nothing but to get out, i sped towards the other end. I got out, quickly standing up and dusting myself off. I didn't dare look at the windows, wanting nothing but a normal night. That whole "dead body" thing really scared me, and I didn't even care about death.

"Ok, let's start with your nightly chores. You should check on Ballora and make sure she's on her stage, but... whatever."

I pressed the light, crossing my fingers that i wouldn't have to electrocute her again. Guess luck wasn't on my side this time. My stomach dropped as i noticed that she was gone. I looked around the room, hoping to find her, but i couldn't see anything but the stage.

"Huh, I guess Ballora has better things to do. Let's zap her! That should be fun"

With shaky hands, i reached for the red button. I pressed it, flinching at the shock. It was so bright and so loud.. why could i almost feel the pain radiating from the room? eh, probably my imagination. However, what really bothered me, was Hand Unit's voice. It.. wasn't normal. I wasn't able to make out any of the words, but i doubted that it was anything good. Then, it cut back to normal.

"Let's check on Funtime Foxy. Make sure he's ready for showtime tomorrow."

I sighed, turning back to the other window. I walked over to the buttons and pressed the light, jumping and screaming after looking up and seeing Funtime Foxy's shadow in the window. I expected Hand-Unit to tell me to press the controlled shock or something, but i didn't. Instead, i got shivers up my spine.




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