Chapter 1: The Creature

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Jin's pov

I stared into his beautiful deep sea-green eyes the same way I have been for the last 2 months. Mine was filled with curiosity and passion while his, with hunger, and most likely my murder on his mind.

I crossed my legs over one another while sitting in front of the things cell. Yet, if I was to be truly honest, it was like his own aquarium tank.

He was tightly chained to the top of his fake rock like some rabid beast and I sighed bored at the many empty papers on my lap. Glancing over someone's poorly handwritten notes about this creature on the first couple of lines that were printed there.

For example, one line tells me that this thing never has spoken a word since he arrived by some fisherman catching him. In the second line it stated that the creature is not actually a man and when I say this, I don't mean he is secretly a woman or something.

No, although that would be pretty interesting, I mean that he is somehow part fish.

Looking up from my papers I look at the creature glaring at me. I can fully understand why the creature doesn't talk if he could because of... personal matters when I was young. I looked at my watch again and stood up, fixing my long coat and glasses that lay on the bridge of my nose.

This was the same everyday routine I do, except, this time I almost had a heart attack when a squad of policemen and women busted in through the elevator and back doors since they were a little bit earlier than expected.

Fixing my neat tie, I noticed how the creature's eyes were wide in shock and possibly thankfulness, hopefully.

Though seeing its reaction, the creature made me feel the real type of pride in what I do as he watched one of my coworkers hand me a bulletproof vest. The words Police bolded and velcroed on it along with a gun in its holster were safely attached as well.

Giving the fish man a small awkward smile, I quickly moved to the control panel on the side of the glass and was ready to push this big button that was just calling my name, yet I was needed elsewhere.

"JIN, we need the password to this room." Turning my attention away I looked up to see a team ready to just bust down the door if something didn't work making me roll my eyes. It's always action with some of these guys.

"It's 061313," I announced and looked at the thing in the water before pressing the big button, finally.

It sounded off alarms as the chains fell off of his arms and massive tail that quickly moved around. While the water drained out somehow, I walked around to the metal door and waited for the water to be below my knees so I could walk in.

Groaning slightly, I made my way up the steep and narrow rock pathway to where the creature was sitting patiently, his tail flopping up and down freely. Once in front of him, I held my hand out and asked a certain question. "Do you trust me now?"

He simply looked into my eyes and pointed to my chest, his long black claws nearly going into my vest at the very slightest of pressure. He tilted his head a bit which made his platinum silver hair fall over his eyes.

"Yes, I am a cop, I work for the government, guppie," I spoke softly. "I have been undercover to infiltrate this building which is a human trafficking center. It has all been hidden under the horrible animal shelter above us. It's a whole mess and I'm sure you don't care so please let me just take you back to where ever you came from." The creature looked around making me do the same. Seeing my friends and coworkers surrounding us at the bottom with their guns pointing at him.

"Jin be careful!" Hui warned, looking like he was going to catch me if I fall from my height of 20 feet. I waved his tiny body off with a roll of my eyes and a small chuckle that followed after.

"Ignore them." I smiled softly not breaking the creature's and I's eye contact until he slowly nodded. I didn't waste any time after that, I picked him up. As hard and terrible as that was, I did, and carefully started making our way down the rocky pathway, the tip of his tail dragging behind me.

"Yo Jin, my main hoe. We got this shit covered, so you can head over to the docks. It's just around the corner or something like that," Kino orders with a smirk, his hand on my shoulder, barely helping me to the ground.

"Okay, well I will be back soon then. Oh and I'll only allow you to use that tone with me this one time so I hope you enjoyed it." I half-assed smiled and went to the elevator where the fish surprisingly moved his hand to press the right number. "Hm, that's good that you remembered." I chuckled trying to get another reaction out of the green-eyed thing but nothing.

I hummed to the elevator music until we got to the animal shelter up top. As the doors opened, I headed to the front counter to lay the creature down so I could take off the upper part of my clothing.

Putting the bulletproof vest back on my tan-toned body, I laid my shirt over the thing's chest while my scientist long coat goes over his interesting sharp green and blue tail and a bit of his demon-like claws.

He did watch my every move so when I picked him up again he started to delicately touch my face with the back of his hands. I didn't say anything since a lot of people touch my face, especially victims who I saved or their moms, never the dads for some reason.

Finally, when we got outside, I shielded his... everything from the other cops as best as I could. I mean... he is an 8-foot-tailed creature. As I got to a car, he easily got in without a scratch and then we were off to the docks.

Funny thing was that this thing does not like cars. His eyes were wide and every once in a while his tail would hit the back of my seat or would hiss at another car going by us.

A little freaky I must say but when we got to the marina I helped (dragged) whatever this thing was to where the boats ended on the docks.

I accidentally slipped and dropped the creature near the end so I immediately gave up on getting him any closer like a normal lazy person who just so happens to be a cop!

Stepping back because of his deep glare, my walkie-talkie starts making noises which took my attention from the fish thing.

Holding the small button down, I carefully went to my knees, trying my best to not break the eye contact he had on me before slowly taking off my clothes when a voice cuts in.

"We got a 10-79 in progress, all units head to Stigma Mall. I repeat 10-79 at Stigma Mall." I hummed and picked the talkie up to bring it to my lips.

(A/n: 10-79 is a bomb threat... I think. I used some state police codes so it might be different depending on where you live)

"Officer SeokJin en route," I announced before more people started talking. I hooked it back onto my belt and noticed how the creature was looking at the gun in my holster. "Oh um you don't have to worry about this silly thing. I'm not going to kill you." I chuckled, "I know you can understand me, we did spend 2 months together, so please stay safe and don't get caught again." I ordered with a small smile so he knew I was not exactly serious. Seeing him nod, I turned around and made my way to the random person's car I took.

Once in, I looked out the window to the nowempty docks and sighed. 'One life saved.'

Welcome back to Underwater Voices! I really enjoyed making this book and I hope you comment and vote!!

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