Chapter 20~ Italian Leather Shoes

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The pic of The girls dresses is in the side. Talia's is on the left, then Danielle, then Perrie, then Eleanor, Then Tasha's.


**Harry's P.O.V** (2 Weeks Later)

Today was the big day. I was taking all the Lads (not including Louis), Talia, and Tasha out for dinner. I even invited Danielle, Eleanor, and Perrie. I had a surprise for Talia. All of them knew the suprise except for Talia. I told her to go buy something nice and I gave her five hundred dollars. The boys and I went online and ordered Italian leather shoes. I decided that I would call Niall and see what he's up to.

"Hello?" He said answering.

"Hey Niall. Whats up? You excited about tonight?"

"Yeah. Your not going to chicken out are you?" I could hear Tasha say "Hi" in the background.

"No. I'm going to be a man about this."

"OK. I gotta go man. Tasha needs help with something." He hung up.

I could only wander what that something is. Maybe she needed help cleaning the kitchin. Or maybe she was being perverted and it was code talk. Only one way to find out. Go to their house. I put my coat on and hopped into my car. The ride was short. When I got there, I didn't bother knocking.

"Niall hurry up!" I heard Tasha yell from upstairs.

"I'm trying babe. Just hold on!" Niall replied.

Automatically I thought the most perverted thoughts. I really should have knocked. I quietly went upstairs next to their door. I could hear faint screams every once in a while. Iknocked on the door and everything went quiet. Then Tasha opened the door.


"Harry what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I got bored I guess."

"Oh." she said.

"So what were you and Niall doing in there?"

It's not what you think. You perv. There's a nest of spiders in the dresser and hes trying to kill them." She said.


    I peeked past Tasha, and Niall was freaking out. A baby spider was following him around. He was just like a little kid. Then I felt something crawling up my leg. I looked down and there was a spider. I started screaming at the top of my lungs.

"You scream like a girl." Tasha said as she smacked the spider off.

"Whatever. I gotta go. I'll talk to you all tonight."

    I walked down the stairs and out the door. I went home to get dressed. Talia was ready to go.

**Talia's P.O.V**

    Harry probably had something planned and I wanted to know what it was. It was now time to leave. Harry walked me to the car. We arrived at a huge restaurant. We went up to the door and there was a note that read "Reserved for Harry styles and friends.". He reserved a whole restaurant for us? We walked in and the boys (not including Louis) were there. Tasha was sitting next to Niall. Eleanor, Perrie, and Danielle were here too. I guess that Dani and Liam could get along for a little bit.

"Harry, whats going on?"

"You'll see." He said smiling.

    We went to our seats and started talking to the others. Soon some waiters brought out a lot of food. Niall looked like he could eat it all by the way he was staring at it. I have to admit, it did look good. All of us ate for about an hour. The Harry stood up and tapped his fork on his glass.

"Talia, I made a promise to you and I think its time that we go farther that just a promise. I love you with all my heart. You are the only reason that I wake up every morning. Without you I probably would have done something stupid. You remind me that there are good things in life. I want to start a beautiful family with you. I want to live in a big house with a huge backyard and a garden. We can have as many pets as you want. I'm happy with anything as long as your happy. Talia, will you marry me?" He smiled.

    Everyone was staring at me. I was really nervous. I didn't feel the best either. I love Harry but I dont know if i'm ready to be engaged. If I tell him no, he'll think I don't love him. He pulled a ring out of his pocket and got down on one knee. What am I going to say? I really didn't feel good now. I think I ate to much.

**Harry's P.O.V**

    I looked at Talia waiting for her to answer. She looked kinda sick. Everyone was waiting for her to answer me. Why wasn't she answering? Just then I heard a door open and close. I turned around to see Louis standing by the door. Everyone was now looking at him. He slowly walked over to the table and sat down.

"Continue." He said.

    Right as I was turning back to Talia she puked all over my new shoes. Tasha quickly jumped up and pulled Talia's hair back from her face. I stood there in shock. Talia stopped puking and started crying. She didn't look up though.

"I take that as a yes?"

She looked up still crying. "Yes." She said.

    I grabbed napkins off the table and cleaned my shoes off enough. I slipped them off and carried them in my hand.

"Lets go home then."

    Everyone walked out of the door. I could hear Louis talking to Liam and Zayn. He wanted to move back in. Talia and I got into the car and drove home. We got cleaned up and then went to bed.

**Louis's P.O.V**

    It's good to be back. Now only if I can make them believe that I....


My twentieth chapter!!!! Yay!! So what do you think Louis wants them to believe? Sorry that I left you with a hanger. I can't post until Friday. I'm so sorry. I'm going with my dad and he doesn't have a computer. I have noticed that only my friend Suzanna and my sister Kiersten have been commenting. I would like if other people will comment to. If it doesn't start happening soon, I might make it to where I have to get a comment (cannot be Suzanna or Kiersten) to post the next chapter. I won't do that yet but it could happen. Bye!


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