Chapter 9 ~You want me to go

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**Niall's P.O.V**

    "I want you to go with me."

"Will you go with me?"

"I love you and I want you to go with me."

    I practiced saying it to myself a few time. I didn't know how I was going to tell her. What if she said no? What if she broke up with me? I walked into Tasha's house. Her mom came out of the coma but she was still in the hospital. She told Tasha and Talia that she wanted them to stay home. Tasha was in the kitchen with Talia eating an apple.

"Tasha can we talk?"

"Sure Nialler." She followed me to her porch outside.

"We gotta leave in three days and go back to England."

"Oh. Well...Ummmm." she searched for the right words to say.

"I want you to go with me. I've known you forever and I don't want to leave you again. Please?"

"I'd love to but what about my mom?" Tasha asked.

"I already talked to her. She wants you to go and she said Talia could too. She's getting out of the hospital tomorrow."

"Really? I gotta go tell Talia and get packed. I'll talk to you later today. I most likely will come over."

**Tasha's P.O.V**

    I ran back into the house and started screaming out of joy.

"TASHA, SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!!" Talia screamed.

    I shut the door and ran over to her. I jumped on her back and we both fell to the ground. She looked at me like I was crazy. I took in a deep breath and let it back out.

"Were going to England with the boys!"

"What? You better not be joking with me!" She exclaimed.

"I'm not. Were leaving in three days. Lets go get packed."

    We both got off the floor and ran to find suitcases. I got the green and blue one. Talia got the orange and red one. When we got upstairs, Talia tripped and landed on her face. She got back up and acted like nothing happened. We went to our rooms and started finding really cute clothes to take along. I packed almost everything I had. I put at least forty seven outfits in the suitcases. I also put my make-up and a few other accessories. I don't know how I managed to fit it all into two suitcases but I did. I went over to Talia's room and it looked so empty. She always took as much as possible.

**Harry's P.O.V**

    I ran down the stairs before Louis left. I grabbed his arm. I was so out of breath.

"Louis, don't forget that tonight's movie night. be here at 7PM sharp."

"OK. I won't forget." He seemed angry.

    I went back upstairs. I got my favorite shirt, my black skinny jeans, and my Jack Wills hoodie.I went to the bathroom and cut on the shower. I needed a shower badly. I haven't showered since last night.

**Niall's P.O.V**

    I went over to the house and told harry that both Tasha and Talia are coming. He started screaming like a little girl. He really liked Talia. I just now noticed that he never asked her to be his girlfriend. They just act like a couple. I wander if they're dating or not? I'll ask later.

"Tonight's movie night. I told the others." Harry blurted out.

"OK, I'll pick out some movies."

    I went over to the movie shelf and picked out five movies. I got two comedies, one romance, and two scary movies. Tasha loved scary movies. I don't see why though, things always pop out and scare you. Talia and Harry both love romance movies because people fall in love and get married. The others like comedies. Who doesn't love a good laugh?

    At 7PM everyone was here except Louis. I thought Harry said that he told everyone. He had to tell Louis. They're best mates.

"Harry, you did tell Louis right?"

"Yeah. He said he would be here." Harry looked worried.

**Tasha's P.O.V**

    We waited for Louis until we heard him pull into the driveway. It was already 8PM. He was really late. At first everyone was worried but now everyone was mad. Louis came in the house and sat on the couch.

"Sorry that I'm late. I had stuff to do." Louis emphasized the word stuff.

"Well, that's not weird at all."

"Not as weird as Liam's secret phone calls. For all we know, he could be planning to murder one of us." Zayn blurted out.

    Just as Zayn finished his sentence, Liam punched him in the face. Louis tried to pull him off of Zayn but got involved in the fight. All three of them were punching, kicking, and hitting each other. Harry and Niall started to pull them off of each other. Talia and I just stood back and watched in total shock. The boys never fought. Especially Liam. Suddenly Maura came in.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?!?" She screamed.

"Mom!" Niall looked shocked.

"All of you on the porch. NOW!" Maura yelled once again.

    We all filed out the door and onto the porch. Maura made Niall stay in the house. We could hear her yelling at him. She was saying that they couldn't stay here anymore and that he better clean up the mess that they made. I just now noticed that they probably broke a lot of stuff. Niall came out on the porch and started talking.

"My mom said that you all can't stay here. She's calling a hotel for you guys now." He said almost at a whisper.

"It's only for a few days. Then we leave for England."

    We all went back into the house and the boys got packed up. Niall wouldn't be staying at a hotel though. I guess that movie night is cancelled. Talia and I walked back to our house because Niall had to take the boys to the hotel. I almost forgot that our mom comes home tomorrow. I guess we get one good thing.


It took me forever to write this because i had to keep saving it and doing other things. It's finally up though. Its supposed to snow here. I don't know if I can type tomorrow. The power might go out. I'll try to type though. bye!


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