Chapter 23 ~ Nobody likes a cheater

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**Zayn's POV**

     He's been acting weird. They're together. How can he do this? Its not right. He can't just be with another girl when he pleases. She'll obviously go crawling back to him. She loves him to much. This world is going crazy! He can't cheat on her.

**Tasha's POV**

     I waited in the room for what felt like ever. They won't let people visit me in my living quarters anymore. The guards are afraid that I will try to escape. That's why I'm currently in a little room where Talia visits me. The others come too. Except for Niall. I could care less about what he does. I would prefer that he rots in hell.

     "How many days until you get out of here?" Talia asked me quietly.


     She seemed shocked at first but then had a look of sorrow. She sat on the opposite side of the table as me. It was a requirement made by the guards. I didn't like any of the rules that were made by them. I couldn't eat without being watched. I couldn't take a shower without someone in the room. I couldn't go outside either. They were afraid that I would hurt myself.

     Im not crazy! It was a one time thing. I think...

**Liam's POV**

    I haven't talked to Niall since he put Tasha in that nuthouse. I felt really bad for her. She didn't deserve this. He was the one that ruined his chances of marrying one of the most loving girls ever. He makes me so mad right now. I could hit him repeatedly and not stop. Sometimes I just want to kill him. Oh my gosh, did I just say that? Please forgive me.


    Zayn came running from the kitchen of the flat that myself, him, and Louis shared. He had a spatula in his hand and he had flour all over him.

    "What?" He asked quickly, waving the spatula.

    "I want to go see Tasha and Talia. Do you want to go?"

    "Im kind of busy making pancakes. You can go though." He said as he walked back into the kitchen.

    I would have asked Louis, but he went to see Eleanor. I stood up and slipped my jacket on. I grabbed my keys and walked out of the door. I was at the Mental Hospital in less that thirty minutes. I checked in and went to the room to see two of my favorite girls.

    "Liam!" They cheered together as I walked in the door.

    "Hey girls!"

    Tasha jumped up and gave me a hug. She knew that she wasn't allowed to but she did anyways. I loved giving her hugs. I saved her life and never wanted to see her leave.

**Zayn's POV**

    I finished making the pancakes and slowly ate. I called Harry and asked to go to his flat. He agreed and I grabbed the keys to my car. I walked out and started driving to the flat that him and Talia shared. All that I could think about on the way there was about the cheater and how I would tell.

    I made it to the flat and walked in without knocking. Harry popped out from the bedroom and smiled at me. I returned the gesture and we both walked to the living room.

    "So how are ya mate?" He asked with a cheeky smile.

    "Im not good man. I seen something that I shouldn't have..."

**Louis' POV**

    I enjoyed having a movie night with Eleanor. We were laying on the couch, cuddling and watching "Spider man". I missed spending time with her. Ever since Ieft its been different. Paul and Prinston have to watch where I go. But as of now, they don't have to worry.

**Talia's POV**

    It was getting very late and I told the others to come visit Tasha. They should have been here soon. Right as I was thinking that they came through the door. Even Niall. What was he doing here? Tasha looked up and noticed him. The whole room fell silent as everyone looked at each other.

    "Harry was cheating on Talia!" Zayn blurted out.

    Everyone looked at him and I looked over at Harry. I could tell that it was true from the look on his face. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. What was with everyone? This world is going crazy!


Wow! Its been a long time! I'm so sorry that I haven't been typing. I guess that I just forgot. It feels good to type again. I promise that I will type more often.

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