Chapter 3 ~Tasha's spanish class ruins Niall's life

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**Harry's P.O.V**


    What am I going to wear? Do I have a clean tie? Will I flop my hair to the left or to the right? Will she think I'm cute? Will I have a mental break don't before we even go to dinner? Oh my god, I'm freaking out. I hope I don't embarrass myself. I heard a door close downstairs and I knew that Tasha and Talia were here.

"Talia" I yelled at the top of my lungs but in a sweet tone.

    I waited for a minute and there was a knock on my door. I opened it up to see a really beautiful girl standing in front of me. I knew it was Talia but she looked so different, in a good way. Her hair was wavy and her eyes sparkled. She was wearing a really pretty orange dress. Orange is my favorite color. She probably knew that though. Words could'nt describe how beautiful she was.

"Yes?" She looked at me and then at the ground

"Can I give you a hug?"

"Sure!" She exclaimed. "I'd give you a hug anytime you want."

    As I was giving her a hug, I breathed in her scent. Her smell was indescribable. I could stay like this all night. I heard Niall yell for us, telling us to hurry up. I told Talia to wait for me downstairs while I got dressed. I quickly put on a fancy looking dress shirt, nice pants, and some sneakers. I did my hair and put on some cologne. I walked over to Louis room and saw that he was reading a book.

"Lou, I'll be back later. I'm going out on a date with Talia."

"Replacing me with a girl. I'll never forgive you. Have fun." He was so dramatic at times.

    I ran down stairs to see that Niall, Tasha, and Talia were ready to go. I have never seen Niall dress up so well. Not even for an award. Tasha looked very beautiful. The one that caught my eye was Talia. I still couldn't believe that she was my date. I went over to her and put my arm out for her. She took a hold of it and I led her to the car. We were all taking my car for some reason. Niall said that he wanted to walk Tasha home. Niall and Tasha slowly followed us out of the house and to the car. It took us almost twenty minutes to get to the restaurant. When we got there, I helped Talia out of the car.

**Tasha's P.O.V**


    When we got to the restaurant I was amazed. It was so big and fancy. It must have cost so much to even book a reservation here. Talia and Harry were to busy laughing at each other for her to even notice how nice it was. Niall looked over at me and I smiled at him. His blue eyes were so pretty and they looked the color of the ocean.

"You seem nervous, are you OK?" Niall asked looking at me worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine. How much did this cost? A little picnic in the park would have been fine by me."

"That's for me to know. Don't worry about it. I have some extra money now, I'm Niall Horan." He looked so cheeky

"OK, whatever you say Mr.Horan."

    We all walked through the parking lot and into the restaurant. Talia and I excused our selves to go to the bathroom and check our make-up. As soon as we got into the bathroom she started freaking out. I was freaking out with her because I knew that she liked Harry a lot.

"I cant believe I'm on a date with Harry! And your on a date with Niall! He obviously likes you" She was still jumping up and down and I was just standing there.

"Its not a date and he doesn't like me. He would have told me sooner if he did. Niall and I are just friends.

"You like him though. You've even told me. Why don't you just tell him how you feel?" She was dead serious.

"Yes I like him. But I also like Carter, the one in my Spanish class. Remember? The really nice and cute one."

"Fine don't tell the one that your destined to be with that you like him. Just don't come crying to me when Carter gets a girlfriend." She rolled her eyes and checked her hair one last time.

"Lets just forget about this."

    We went and found the boys. They already picked out a table for us and ordered us drinks. Niall knew what Talia and I wanted. When we were seven Talia and I argued with him that Pepsi was better than 7 Up. I could'nt understand why he always tried to remember that day but he does. After we ordered our food, we sat there for an hour eating and talking. We all got up to leave. Harry and Talia decided to go to the park. Niall and I walked home. We reached my house about 7:45PM.

**Nialls P.O.V**


    I was going to do it. I'm going to tell her how I feel about her. We were standing on her porch in silence. I took a deep breath. I didnt know how to tell her, the words were stuck and would'nt come out. I looked at her as she looked at me. I finally decided to tell her.


"Yeah?" she said in a soft tone

I..ummmm....dont know how to say this but..."

    Her phone started to sing "I Wish" right as I was about to say that I liked her. She had to get a text now? Why did this have to happen to me? What did I do?

She looked up at me with suprise."Oh my josh, It's Carter!"

"Whos that?"

"A really cute kid in my Spanish class." I looked at her as her eyes lit up.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"I wish. He's really nice and cute and funny. I think Allyssa likes him though, and if I get near him when she is she will rip me to shreds." It broke my heart to hear her say this.

"She's still that mean? Well I better get home. It's getting late. Bye."

"Yeah shes still mean. I'll see you in the morning. Tomorrows Staurday. Bye." she said.

    She gave me a peck on the cheek and my eyes filled with tears as I walked away. I liked her so much and I may have lost my chance with her. It's all because I left. The X Fator and touring did this to me. Why did I have to follow my dreams? When I got to the house Harry and Talia were inside watching a movie. Talia left five minutes after I got home. I got ready for bed and went to my room. One of the tears fell down my cheek. I could'nt hold them back. I cried the rest of the night untill I fell asleep.


OK theres my 3rd chapter. Tell me what you think will happen next. I might use some of your ideas. I'm gonna tell my English teacher that I'm writing a story tomorrow. He's gonna laugh when i tell him what its about. Well, I gotta go. Bye! xx


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