Chapter 12- Gillyweed

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"Wait, so, you kissed  her? Like actually physically kissed her?" Ron gaped at Harry a week later from Harry and Malfoy's kiss, in the Great Hall. He had finally decided to tell his friends about his kiss with the 'mystery girl'. He and Malfoy hadn't spoken since their kiss, although Harry found himself gazing at the boy often, during meals and in class. Harry just nodded in response, poking his food. He wasn't sure quite yet how he felt about Malfoy. their kiss was... honestly good. Really, really good. But Harry deep down knew he couldn't forgive Malfoy for what he had said. Deep down, it still stung like rubbing alchohol on an open wound. 

"Harry..." Hermione suddenly blurted, marking her page in her book and closing it, "Don't you think this is moving by a little quick?" Her expression was serious and concerned. Harry frowned, looking over her shoulder at Malfoy who was desperately staring at him while all the Slytherins jabbered around him. It had been almost two months now, surely they weren't moving too  fast.

"Oh, shush" Ron protested, "Are you guys gonna go on another date? A third one?"

Harry just stared at him blankly. He honestly wasn't sure if he and Malfoy would end up going on another date, let alone speaking to one another. This made the sting in his heart grow worse, so he broke the eye-contact between the two. They were meant to be together, weren't they? They were soulmates, after all. Plus, what Sirius had told him was in the back of his head, mocking him.

Don't make the same mistakes I did.

It seemed as though letting go of Malfoy wasn't an option. He sighed, staring into his plate of now cold food.

It was two days before the second task when Harry decided to break the ice. He stood in a supply closet with his invisibility cloak draped around him, the same closet he had stood in with Malfoy when they switched bodies, and waited until passing period when he knew Malfoy would pass by. Shortly after he had waited in there, he heard all of his peers flooding into the once empty corridors. He opened the door slowly, soon spotting the blonde starting to walk closer. Harry felt his chest tighten ever so slightly at the sight of the boy, but pushed the feeling down, and once he was sure no one was paying any attention, he grabbed the boys arm. Malfoy quickly turned to see who it was, but looked rather alarmed when he realized nobody was there. Harry yanked him away from the crowd and into the supply closet, shutting the door behind him. As soon as possible, Harry lifted the cloak off of him, Malfoy's look of horror subsiding as he did so.

"It's just me," Harry reassured, keeping his voice down.

Malfoy stared blankly down at him, his pale eyes gleaming slightly, causing Harry's heart to flutter softly in his chest. Malfoy's rosy lips were parted a little, and his facial expression told Harry that he was definitely not expecting this.

"I uh, I wanted you to know I looked in the library about gillyweed and surprisingly enough, you aren't trying to poison me." 

"Poison you? Why- why would I-" Malfoy faltered, seeming offended.

"Considering the fact two-months ago we were sworn enemies, I don't think you can really blame me..." Harry argued, looking to his and Malfoy's feet. Malfoy scoffed. 

"So, um, I guess I'll just have to trust you enough to use it and just hope it's the real thing." 

"Merlin, Potter. I guess you will." Malfoy said, Harry's eyes now averting upwards to meet with Malfoy's. The two boys searched each others faces for nothing specifically. The supply closet suddenly felt very, very small as he realized how close they really were. The moment seemed like it could drag on forever, and Harry had the sudden urge to go up, and meet Malfoy's lips once more. They looked as inviting as ever. Malfoy started to lean down slightly and Harry suddenly looked down, grabbing his cloak from the tiled floor. 

"I- I should get to class. Thanks for the gillyweed."

He turned, ready to leave, when Malfoy gripped his arm.

"Wait," He demanded, Harry immediately turning his head to face him. Malfoy gulped, his adams apple rolling in his throat. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it soon after.

"What is it?" Harry asked, eager to get out of this tiny enclosed space. Malfoy stared t him with a look of longing.

"I- I was wondering if after the second task you..." the blonde started, his grip on Harry's arm loosening, "You would go on another date with me. For real."

Harry looked up at him, his tense body relaxing. He stayed silent until Malfoy's eyes changed from longing to embarrassment, like he though Harry was going to decline.

"Sure." Harry confirmed, relief flooding from the taller boy's face.

"Okay." Malfoy nodded, revealing a pursed smile, letting go of Harry's arm. Harry nodded back, then exited the closet.


Draco spent the next two days thinking about the fact that without thinking, he asked Potter out and he said yes. He told Pansy about the encounter, and she told him it was a brilliant idea. He wasn't so sure, though. He was excited, yes, but what if this was going to be Potter's way of getting back at him? He sure hoped not. He genuinely wanted this to work. 

The two days before the first task flashed by, and before everyone knew it, it was officially time. Draco and the rest of the houses boarded boats just like in first year. They traveled over the Black lake and to four large boxes that sat on the water lazily. They were organized by house, all being labeled with each mascot. The champions stood on a dock below them, waiting to begin. Draco smiled a little when he spotted Potter.

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