Chapter 22- Missing Each Other

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Harry didn't speak with Draco for the next week or so, as he decided he was going to be a stubborn prat and take offense to what Draco had thought about the Cedric theory at first. He couldn't even wrap his head around the fact Draco, his literal boyfriend, thought he was a murderer. The fact Harry had physical tears tumble down his cheeks should have been good enough evidence, especially considering Harry didn't like to open up about that kind of thing. On top on that, Harry's nighttime horrors were getting worse; as he was getting them every night multiple times a night, and they were becoming more vivid. More so that sometimes he would get so far into the dreams that he would be torturing someone, then they would stop and he would wake, feeling a cold sweat sticking his shirt to his skin. He supposed he should most likely tell Dumbledore, as he would know the solution. Harry put the idea to the back of his head, deciding he'd just have to deal with it later. Going back to the thought of Draco, Harry wasn't sure what to do. He didn't want to be the one to defuse the ice at all. Draco was also right, people were talking. He and Seamus had gotten into an argument after the stupid Prophet writer, Rita Skeeter, had written the surfacing news in the paper. Many people weren't on his side in fact, as no one was there, therefore they didn't believe his story. It felt like it was fourth year all over again, people believing that Harry had put his name in the goblet, until finally the first task. People were going to believe he killed Cedric until Voldemort decided to attack when they least expect it, and who would have to end up defeating him? Harry. Luckily, Ron had defended him against Seamus and the other Gryffindors in the common room, Hermione agreeing. Draco had seemed to not want to break the ice either, or he possibly wanted to give Harry the space he wished for. Probably a bit of both. Harry was missing sneaking away on Friday evenings. Hermione had asked if something had happened between him and his 'girlfriend', but Harry just said they were taking a break. Harry knew a 'break' was never truly a break. He was worried what it would play out to be. He didn't want a perminent break from the Slytherin. But he didn't forgive him either. At least, that's what he told himself. It was difficult to ignore Draco, especially when his icy eyes would stay on Harry during classes or even in the halls. To make matters worse, Draco hadn't been insulting Harry when he walked by as much. Nine times out of ten, he would just ignore him, which wasn't great, but it wasn't bad either. This seemed to throw Ron and Hermione off as well as Ron brought it up while the group was studying in the common room one evening. 

The fire was burning still, scattered cracks popping from it every few minutes. The common room was fairly busy with people, some just talking, some reading, one couple even snogging in the corner, which Harry reckoned would be a regular two week relationship. Harry felt cozy as he was curled in an armchair trying to concentrate on some Transfiguration homework. It was a difficult task as Ron and Hermione bickered after Ron had tried to tell Hermione she was wrong, although, chances were she was correct. Eventually, the two simmered down and Harry was able to continue his homework, that is until Ron suddenly wondered out loud. 

"I just remembered something," Ron expressed, Hermione and Harry both looking to him, "Malfoy hasn't really been bothering us lately..."

"And? Isn't that good?" Hermione questioned, Harry pursing his lips.

"Well, it's got me thinking," Ron explained further, "What if Malfoy's found a girlfriend? Like, it makes sense doesn't it? He's got better things to do. Ever since the year started really he's seemed to almost go easier on a lot of people."

Hermione nodded slowly, Harry immediately snapping.

"He does not." said Harry sharply, his bottled anger getting the best of him, Hermione and Ron looking extremely confused and concerned. Harry wanted to say something, but his face got red with white hot anger and he gathered his things storming to the dormitory, getting perplexed glances from others around. The thought of Draco with someone, anyone else broke him. This thought made him realize how much he didn't care what Draco had thought about Cedric's death. He just wanted to be with Draco, that's all.


As the days went by, Draco found himself feeling more and more lost. He didn't go to their second date of the year just a few nights ago, and he reckoned Harry hadn't either. He wasn't sure when to talk to Harry or if he should just let him come to Draco. He had already gave his explanation when they got in their 'argument', so he wasn't sure what else he could really do. He laid low on picking on him and his friends in the halls, nervous for how Harry would take it. He wished he could go back in time and be friends with Harry from the start, so they wouldn't have to be so secretive. It was annoying to have to lie to everyone he knew, because he wanted people to know. He wanted them to know how much Draco cared for the Gryffindor. He wanted to be able to show off that fact that Harry Potter, the Golden Boy, the Boy Who Lived, whatever name anyone wanted to call him, was his and nobody else's. As of now though, he wasn't so sure. 

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