Chapter 11- Detention With The Devil

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Draco tried to get Potter's attention repeatedly to fill the empty time gap before their detention. He would stare, he would shove the boy's arm in the halls, etc. He didn't do anything too drastic until potions class on Friday afternoon. Snape was checking around the class as usual, and as Draco had expected, stopped at Potter's cauldron.

"Potter," he drawled, "Care to explain why your potion is... green?"

His potion was supposed to be a deep shade of lavender. Potter clenched his jaw staring into the filled bubbling cauldron in front of him. The raven-haired boy looked to the black chalk-board in the front of the classroom which was labeled with the instructions.

"A crow feather, sir."

"Automatic zero, Potter. Ten points from Gryff-"

He was about to finish his sentence but it was cut short, for suddenly, BOOM! Everyone quickly adjusted their head to see where the explosion had come from, including Potter. The boys face quickly turned from surprise to confusion, then a glare. Draco coughed, waving away the smoke erupting from his cauldron.

"Professor," Draco said rather dryly, "I've messed up my potion as well, if you couldn't tell."

Snape grunted, giving Draco the death stare. Draco fought the urge to smile. He masked it by resting his mouth and eyebrows, making a very serious expression.

"If Potter get's a zero then I definitely should too."

Snape sneered, turning away.

"No zeros for anyone." he croaked, continuing to walk around the room, peering into cauldrons. Shortly after, the bell rung. Draco glanced at Potter on his way out, and to his surprise, the boy looked back with slight understanding of what had happened. Draco had purposely blew up his potion so that he would be spared. Draco smirked to himself, feeling accomplished as ever.


At 7:50 PM on Saturday, Harry waved goodbye to Ron and Hermione as they crawled into the portrait hole to head to the Great Hall. Harry exited soon after them, instead heading to the dungeons for detention with Malfoy. As he walked the dimly lit halls, he frowned. Snapes detentions were never good. Ever. They were always practically torture rather than punishment. Besides, Malfoy deserved to be beaten up considering what he had told Parkinson. Maybe Snape would go easy on the two of them since he favorited Malfoy often. Like yesterday when he had clearly purposefully messed up his potion and Snape let them both off the hook. Why? Harry had no idea. He assumed Malfoy was trying to mock him, which made him even more pissed off and annoyed at the boy.

Once he entered the exceptionally large classroom, he noticed Malfoy was already standing there talking with Snape. Their conversation seemed to be getting heated, for Malfoy had his palms sitting on the edge of the table, stabilizing himself. His facial expression was one of anger as well. Harry cleared his throat catching Malfoy and Snape's attention. He didn't even dare to look back to Malfoy, in fact, he just pretended he didn't even exist.

"Potter, you're late." Snape said coldly, causing Harry to check the time. It was barely past 8:00, but Snape continued, "I have had my last class of the day leave their cauldrons as is, for you two to clean. As well as everything else. That includes sweeping and putting away supplies."

Well, that's not too hard, Harry thought in relief.

"Not using magic." Snape smirked slightly as if he could read Harry's thoughts. Malfoy and Harry groaned under their breath. This just got ten times harder than before.

"I'll be in my office just a few doors down. Don't hurt each other."

Harry wouldn't count on it. Snape swiftly exited the room, taking Harry and Malfoy's wand as he did so. He gave the boys one last glance to ensure they wouldn't do anything and went to his office, the door slamming behind him. Harry ignored Malfoy's presence, starting to put away supplies that waited on the tables in the room. He didn't want to fight Malfoy and get even more detention and have to see Malfoy's stupid pointed face again. Malfoy appeared to be cleaning up cauldrons and eventually Harry joined him. The boys worked in silence for about two hours until finally they were going to sweep. They both hesitated on who was going to do it until finally Harry grabbed the dust pan and broom.

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