Chapter 19- Dementors

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For the next few weeks, Harry wrote Hermione and Ron back and fourth. Harry didn't receive any owls from Draco, which stung a little. He quickly gained courage and decided he would just have to write first then. He sat down at his small desk in Dudley's old toy room, unrolling parchment, then dipping his quill in his small jar of pitch black ink. His quill hovered over the blank parchment, his brain being just as empty as it was. He chose to start the letter off casually.

Dear Draco,

He's not your bestfriend, Harry  Harry thought angrily, scribbling out what was there. He exhaled, thinking again.

Hello, Draco,

Ugh, way too bland  Harry frowned, scribbling that too. This went on for quite a while; Harry would right down many, many greetings, then he would decide he didn't like them for various reasons. Until however, he finally found one that he thought suited his letter.

Draco Malfoy,

Sure, it was simple, but Draco had always seemed to smirk when Harry used his full name instead of his just first or last. Harry felt a small smile creep onto his lips. He got a new piece of parchment, as this one had one-to-many scribbles to fit the rest of his letter, and jotted down the greeting. He started to brainstorm what it could be about. Harry didn't want to waste anymore parchment, so he decided he would just let the words spill.

Draco Malfoy,

Hey. We haven't talked in what feels like forever, although it's only been a few weeks. This may sound really cheesy, but surprisingly, and not-so-surprisingly, I actually miss you. A lot. Every Friday night I watch the stars outside, because it reminds me of our dates under the stars and the moon. Do you do that too? I wish that I could see you sooner, but it'll just have to wait. I've been having nightmares recently. About Cedric. My parents, even. It's like whenever I close my eyes, the scene just replays in my head. Every time I just wanna go curl up in your arms and have you tell me it's all right. Hermione and Ron still think I'm dating a girl in Slytherin. It's funny, really. Ron's tried taking guesses as well. I'm not with them, and I'm honestly not sure if I'll see them at all this summer. I suppose if we keep dating I'll have to tell them eventually. I  also noticed on the Hogwarts Express you seemed... bothered by me. Why? I mean, I understand keeping up appearances, but you've never looked actually fearful as I recall. Maybe I'm just over analyzing things, I don't know. If you are upset with me in any way, please tell me why so I can try and fix it. That's all, see you in a few months.

Harry paused when it came to signing his name. He supposed he should put a random feminine name, for that's what they had agreed upon, but Harry knew Draco would know who had written it right away. Harry scanned over the letter once more, ensuring he got everything he wanted out. He reread it probably a total of ten times before deciding it was good enough to send. He folded it up, stuffing it into an envolope, sealing it with red wax, then writing Draco's name on the front. He knew where Draco lived but he had to think for a moment on the exact name. It suddenly sparked in his head, and he wrote down Malfoy Manor  on the front. Harry let Hedwig out of her cage, tying his letter to her textured leg. 

"Bring this to Draco," he ordered in a hushed voice, the snowy white owl taking off and flying into the endless night sky.

Harry doubted for a while that he'd receive any sort of letter back as the days went by, until he awoke rather abruptly a few mornings later to pecking at his window. There waited a rather large eagle-owl, a letter tied around it's small leg, just as Harry had done with Hedwig. Harry immediately crawled out of bed, rushing the window and unlaching it to let the owl in. He untied the cool black ribbon, retrieving the letter. Surely enough, it was for him. He nodded to the owl, it taking off into the cool morning.

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