Chapter 17- Owl Me

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"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed when Harry entered the Gryffindor common room much, much later that evening. She hopped up, pulling him into a short, tight hug, Harry letting her, but not returning it. She brought him back over to the couch that she had been sitting at with Ron, which was placed in front of the low crackling fire. It was so late that by now, the common room was silent and empty.

"You guys didn't have to wait for me, you know." said Harry as he sat in between the two of them.

"Of course we did, mate." Ron protested, "That's what friends are for." Harry gave him a weak smile, nodding.

"I- I think I need to try and sleep, alright you guys?" Harry stared into the flames, for a second, then glanced back and forth at each one of his friends, them nodding with understanding.

Harry tried to sleep that night, but every time he closed his eyes, Cedric's body hit the cool grass with a loud thump, green highlighting his features. Harry would scream, but nothing came out, as his throat was dry as a desert. Then, Voldemort would rise from a cauldron of bubbling liquid, his face looking like a snake. Slits for nostrils, and red, taunting eyes. He walked over to Harry, who was being held by a stone statue. He would place a single finger on Harry's scar, causing it to burn terribly. He would cry out, but still, his faint voice only echoed on the walls of his throat. The statue then let Harry go, and Voldemort pulled out his wand, Harry doing the same. He tried to wail, 'Expelliarmus', but alas, his voice was still not even a whisper. 

"Avada Kedevra!" Voldemort bellowed, Harry flying back just like Cedric had, his heavy body colliding with the hard earth.

Harry's eyes shot open as he sat up, a cold, harsh sweat dripping down his neck. He took a few deep breaths, wishing Draco were here, so he could hug him back to sleep. But he wasn't, so Harry had to do that for himself. He slowly rested his head back down onto his pillow, trying to shut his eyes again, praying he wouldn't have another nightmare.

After a sleepless night, it was finally time for breakfast. Harry lazily threw on some robes, not bothering to do his tie. He went down to the Great Hall with Ron and Hermione, Hermione gripping his hand the whole way, assuring him she was there for him. Almost as soon as he entered the Hall, everyone stopped and stared at him. Whispers from all directions came flying at him, everyone acting as if Harry couldn't see or hear them. He sat with his friends, Hermione scooping scrambled eggs on his plate, although she knew he probably wouldn't eat them. Everyone in the room casually started to carry on with their previous conversations, a few still staring at the trio, more specifically, Harry. Harry glanced up to the Slytherin table to find Draco sitting there, looking back at him. His hair was no longer messy like Harry liked it, instead it was slicked away from his eyes, which he had expected. Draco gave him a small smile and a very shy wave. Harry gave a pursed smile back, looking into his plate of plain, yellow eggs.

"Eat it," Hermione ordered, pushing his plate a little closer to him.

"I'm not hungry, Hermione." 

She sighed, "At least eat something today. Please." Harry didn't nod, but Hermione got the message that he'd do his best to. 

Dumbledore suddenly hit the side of his golden goblet with his metal fork, the clang echoing through the large Hall, everyone's eyes shifting over to the Headmaster. Dumbledore sighed.

"Cedric Diggory," Dumbledore paused, scanning the room full of confused faces, waiting for him to continue, the old man resting his eyes on Harry for a second. Harry felt his heart sink just at Cedric's name. 

"Cedric Diggory," Dumbledore took his eyes off Harry, restarting his sentence, "Has been murdered by Voldemort." 

Scattered gasps filled the room, a few, 'what?'s. Harry looked down to the floor. Now that it had been announced, it felt real. It really sunk it that Cedric Diggory was dead. All because of him. Everyone's eyes started to trail back to Harry. He felt like he was a new broom being put on display, everyone peering down at him through thousands of windows. He wanted to look to Draco for support, but he couldn't as there were one to many pairs of eyes on him. 

Drarry- Bad RomanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora