Chapter 1- The Mirror of Erised

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Hey there! Thank you so much for reading my fanfiction! Before you continue, I just wanted to add a few disclaimers.

- I do not own any part of Harry Potter. All characters, scenes, and names are credited to JKR. I am not making any money off of this, it is solemnly for the purpose of entertainment.

- This is a DRARRY fanfiction meaning, it is HarryxDraco / BoyxBoy.

- While I try my best to get them all, there will be spelling and grammatical mistakes. Just do your best to ignore those and move on.

- Some parts are inspired by other fanfictions I have read, so just keep that in mind if you hear parts that sound familiar.

- Please vote and comment (feedback and ideas really help me!).

Now, without further ado, here is, Drarry- Bad Romance. Enjoy xx


Harry Potter laid awake under the velvet hangings of his bed. All of the other boys in the dormitory were clearly asleep due to the rather noisy snoring drifting from all directions of the room. This was the fourth time that week that Harry's brain refused to shut off. He simply couldn't sleep, as he was too stressed about the Triwizard Tournament. Not only had he found out that the first task was dragons, but ever since his name was announced, Ron hadn't said a single word to him. Not only Ron, but almost everyone believed that he, Harry, had slipped his name into the goblet. Even Hermione seemed slightly skeptical, but didn't dare to bring it up. This frustrated Harry, not because no one was truly on his side, but because whoever did do this, was making Harry get all of the blame. People were angry with him for something he didn't choose. To make matters worse, Malfoy made badges that had Cedric Diggory's face printed on them, and would constantly change to read, Potter Stinks. Many people used this to their advantage, for whenever Harry walked by groups with the badge, Cedric's face would always fade away, quickly revealing those two little words. Every time this would happen, which was quite often, he swore he could hear Malfoy chuckle. Harry always tried to ignore these badges, but they always somehow managed to hit him where it hurts. Actually, Malfoy always managed to hit him where it hurts. He always had a way of getting to the one thing that made his stomach twist. He somehow always knew exactly what could break Harry. Harry frowned just thinking about this little fact. He tried closing his eyes, but nothing seemed to get all of this stress to stop pumping through his veins. Harry decided he was going to go on a walk and explore the castle a little deeper. He silently crawled out from underneath the scarlet hangings, careful not to wake the other boys up. He crouched down and pulled out his leather trunk from underneath his elevated bed. He unlatched it, being as slow and quiet as possible, then snatched his invisibility cloak from inside. He stuffed his trunk back under his bed, and slipped the silky cloak over himself. He slowly exited to dormitory, making the door creak ever so slightly. He heard one of the boys stir, then to his relief, go back to sleep. Once he made it into the common room, Harry immediately noticed that it was completely empty, meaning everyone had already gone off to bed. He glanced at the clock, which read 4:36 AM. Everyone would be waking up in just a few hours, so he knew he had to take only a short stroll around the dark castle.

 He crawled out of the small portrait hole, only to find the Fat Lady snoring away very, very loudly. The castle was pitch black, so naturally, he took out his wand and softly whispered, Lumos.  He aimed the wand out in front of him and began to wander. He soon found himself approaching a closed off room with a large wood door. It had golden flakes highlighting each crevice. Curiosity overcame him, as he pushed the heavy door open, using all of his strength. As Harry cautiously and slowly stepped into the mysterious room, he felt a strong feeling of deja vu wash over him. He swore to himself that he had been in this exact place before, he just didn't know when, or how. The room was quite large, and had many random objects filling majority of the empty space. As he walked around he suddenly came across something that made him realize exactly when and how he'd been in here before. Harry found himself standing in front of a large, body length mirror. It had a similar frame design to the door he had just entered this room from. It was the Mirror of Erised. He had come across it in his first year at Hogwarts, under similar circumstances as tonight. He remembered what Dumbledore had told him about the mirrors purpose. The mirror would reflect an image of your deepest desire. In first year, the image on the mirror was Harry, and his parents, all together as one happy family. Now however, the mirror showed a new image. The scene was Harry and Cho Chang. They were holding hands, and they looked extremely happy. Harry felt a light blush rise on his cheeks. He wondered if Cho were here, would she see the same thing Harry did? He could only hope so. Harry eventually ended up sitting down in front of the mirror, the scene still being him and Cho, happily ever after. He sat there for what felt like an eternity. Sometimes he and Cho would snog for a few seconds or minutes, and then they would go back to just holding hands. Harry was so intrigued by the way their fingers intertwined with each other. Cho's hand looked so soft and delicate, compared to Harry's bigger, more muscular one.  After a while, he got bored of the cycle in the mirror, so his eyes wandered around the room in search of a clock. He thought he saw one on a near wall, so he got up and put his brightly light wand to it's face. It read 6:21 AM. Harry gasped slightly as he realized how long he'd been in there for. He decided it was best to let go of the fantasy of him and Cho for now and head back to the Gryffindor common room and dormitories to avoid suspicion. Not only that, but he was finally actually tired and yearning sleep. 

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