Chapter 7- The First Date

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That evening before supper and Draco's... get together with Potter, Draco laid on his bed his face stuffed in his pillow. Pansy was going through his closet, picking out an outfit for him to wear.

"Pansy," Draco grumbled, "I shouldn't even be going on this... thing. I don't even think I'm gay."

"This thing," Pansy replied, "Is called a date, plus it's good to experiment. Now get up, I want you to try this on."

"Not a date." Draco protested, walking over to her. 

"Definitely a date." She argued, holding up a grey sweater to Draco's chest. He pouted as she did so. 

"Ooo," Pansy expressed, "Put this on. It brings out your eyes." She handed him the sweater along with a pair of black trousers and black tennis shoes. Draco rolled his eyes, grabbing them and going into the corner of the room with the changing panel. He went behind it and began to change into the outfit Pansy provided.

"Pans, I don't wanna do this." Draco complained, scoffing, "There's no point. Potter and I aren't  soulmates."

"Eh," she debated, "I wouldn't take your word for it." Draco scoffed again in response. He soon came out from around the panel, causing Pansy's eyes to light up.

"Draco!" She gaped, "You look a-ma-zing." 

Draco turned, looking in the mirror. She wasn't wrong. He looked great. 

"Okay, are you ready to go on your date?" She asked, grinning ear-to-ear.

"Still not a date." Draco huffed under his breath, Pansy ignoring him and pushing him out the door.

During supper, Draco made his way down to the Black Lake. He wasn't sure if Potter was going to show or not, but he decided to test that theory. As soon as he went around a large oak tree, he found Potter standing there, appearing to be waiting for him.

"You came." the shorter boy said almost immediately, seeming surprised.

"Yeah," Draco clarified, "Pansy convinced me." Even through the pale moonlight, Draco could tell that Potter looked rather dashing in his attire. He was wearing a rather tightly fit Gryffindor sweater with grey jeans and white shoes.

"Wait-" Potter suddenly putting his hand on his wand, sticking his other hand out in front of him, "You aren't going to hex me, are you?"

"Oh," Draco responded, "No, no." He took his wand out of his back pocket, which it seemed like it must have been sticking out of, and tossed is to the Gryffindor. He picked it up, sticking it in his own pocket. Draco was now defenseless, but he doubted Potter would do anything. 

The two boys walked down to where Potter's broomstick was when Draco realized he had left his back at the castle. 

"Shit-" Draco remembered, "I left my broom."

"It's fine, we'll just share mine." Potter shrugged sitting on the light snow underneath him. He patted the spot next to him, Draco scoffing.

"No way am I ruining my trousers."

"Such a prick," the boy said, rolling his eyes, "Let's fly then."

He hopped up, broom in hand. Potter mounted his broom waiting for Draco to get on. He slowly sat on the broom, filling the empty space behind Potter. 

"If you don't want to fall off, you'll have to hold onto me." the Gryffindor chuckled. 

"Oh, right-" Draco replied, breaking his calm demeanor slightly, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy.

As Draco wrapped his arms around Potter, Potter took off, shooting up into the sky. Draco couldn't help scream as they flew into the sky with extreme pressure. Potter just snickered and kept flying around, doing tricks, turns and loop-de-loops. With every turn, Draco held onto him tighter.  Even though the boy looked scrawny, to Draco's surprise, he actually had a lot of muscle. Draco kept catching whiffs of his shampoo, which smelt like vanilla. Draco enjoyed this scent, although he'd never admit that to anyone, including himself. Holding on to Potter felt natural, like it was supposed to happen. Draco had never gone just flying before. It had only ever been during Quidditch games and practices. It felt good to feel free, wind blowing in his hair and slapping his face. The snow wasn't falling, and as they rode around in the cool wind, Potter kept wooping and hollering. 

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