Fifteen: Hybrid Encounter

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After the end of what was actually less of a longer feeling school day than I thought it would be, I reunited with my two neighbour pals to head off to our bus and go back to our 'middle-of-nowhere' area. After packing up my handful of items, (and thankfully no homework yet again) I managed to swim out of the flood of bodies that were trying to move through two thin rectangular openings to escape to their nightly freedom.

Annabelle skipped beside me in her jean capris and tight pink t-shirt. Her golden brown hair bounced as she adjusted her glasses. She likes alternating days where she'll wear her glasses or her contact lenses.

On the other hand, Eric walked faster than his usual speed as he attempted to catch up to me with my naturally fast-paced walking speed. His hair was spiked up with clear gel today instead of his usual red or occasionally blue. He wore long jeans with a navy blue Vancouver Canucks shirt on top.

"Would you just slow down for the love of sanity!" Eric whined as I slowed down the slightest bit at his request.

"Oh quit complaining. You've known me long enough to know that I naturally speed-walk, so shush." I rolled my eyes and tightened my ponytail elastic.

We continued to walk past the school where we reached the end of the yard that led to the parking lot where a line of busses were parked to load students. Our bus was usually always here before the bell, so it would be furthest away since it arrived first.

Suddenly, a faint figure in the distance wearing a green hoodie caught my eye and was leaning against the fence and looked like they were talking or having some sort of conversation with a taller figure, probably a grade eight student.

"Hey As, isn't that Austin and Erik over there?" Annabelle paused; pointing to the two people I thought I saw near the end of the parking lot. Belle may need glasses or some sort of vision aiding lenses to help her see, but either way that girl has eyes like a hawk.

I had to squint to make out what she was seeing of the two figures in the distance. "I... think? I really have no idea."

Eric nodded, nudging his head in the direction of the two boys. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's them. What's up Belle?"

"Oh, uh, I thought we could go ask Austin how he's doing. I'm curious- I haven't really seen him since I first saw him with the fresh puncture yesterday afternoon." She shrugged her shoulders helping us infer that it was just a suggestion.

"Well, since we're heading in that direction anyways... Bah, why the heck not, let's go." I continued to walk but this time at a slower pace than usual for my standards so Eric wouldn't whine. The two continued to match my pace and walked beside me down the sidewalk. Eventually Annabelle took the lead as she made her way closer to Austin and Erik who looked like they had just finished their little conversation.

As we arrived, the two boys acknowledged our presence and looked our way. Austin's glasses reflected against the sunlight which made me squint at first, but then I got used to it. Erik (yes, there's two of them) sat against the tall, chicken wire fence in his bright, good conditioned skateboarding shoes, denim jeans, and a proper fitting white Hollister t-shirt. His hair was almost the same shade of blond as Eric's but it was more of a dirty-blond. Unlike Eric's hair, it also wasn't spiked up. His lake-blue coloured eyes stared deeply into mine which made me focus my attention back on Austin. Erik almost scared me and a few others when he stared directly into their eyes. Don't get me wrong, he's a great guy, but sometimes he can make things a little awkward.

"Hey guys. Are all of you heading to your bus?" Austin asked, prompting the conversation.

Annabelle opened her mouth since she was prepared so talk first, but Eric spoke up to reply instead. "Hey there- yeah we're just going there right now. How about you guys? How have you been feeling Austin?"

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