Four: The Guardians

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“So you’re telling me,” Annabelle recapped, “that Logan and Isla are the two people who ambushed you at the mountain last night?”

I slumped down in the seat. Dried tears remained untouched on my face, but I had managed to calm down by now. “Pretty much… What he was about to do to me though was as scary as hell.”

“He just grabbed you and that pink light started to shine again, huh…” Eric muttered to himself.

“It wasn’t just that, it was his eyes too. They were pitch black and glowing, for crying out loud.” I recalled the image as I shuddered.

Annabelle interjected. “Now you have to admit, that would be pretty scary. But why are they doing this to you?”

“No idea…” I thought more. “I asked but Logan just said something about these auras…”

“You don’t think it could be that light of yours, hm?” Eric suggested.

“Who knows, I’m still trying to calm down from whatever I did with my hands. I don’t know what kind of insane stunt I pulled, but it winded me really bad. I’m still barely trying to catch my breath.”

“Either way,” Annabelle began, “we can only really accept the fact that we’re getting a bit closer in our little investigation, so that’s one positive thing.”

I sighed. “I guess so…”

The rest of the ride continued with discussion about the situation, and we really tried to think about this whole aura shenanigan. Maybe the reason Logan’s eyes went black is because that was his aura, and my heart glowed pink-violet because that was mine. But I wonder; could there be anyone else who could have these auras and powers? It was hard to think that Logan, Isla and I are practically misfits. It had to be anyone in the world, and it was us. My luck these days is just fantastic, huh?

Soon enough, the bus pulled up to our stop, and without thinking I ran right off and hurried home. I wanted to be alone for a while so I could think some more, and maybe I could tell the other guys my ideas later. It’s a bit risky, but I’ll probably go back to the mountain later- and this time I won’t doze off. I’ll only stay for a little bit; despite all the weird things happening I don’t need my family to get the wrong idea. They can’t really find out that any of this is happening, or society as we know it might as well be over.

I suppose I also don’t need to think about being superstitious anymore. Basically, as it turns out, I guess this is now all very real. I’ll never look at a supernatural fantasy the same again.

I turned onto my side of the crescent, and in an instant, I heard this voice that sounded just like a young girl’s in my head. It was very faint, and I couldn’t make it out. As I listened more closely, the voice grew louder until…

“...Eh, excuse me? This is Aspen, am I right?”          

I didn’t freak out too much, you know, since I was pretty used to this crazy chain of weird events by now. Either way, I flinched. How did I talk to the person? Do I talk to them as I think? Or as sad as it is, do I have to talk to them out loud?

I just whispered. Nobody was really outside, but it’d be pretty awkward in case someone did happen to come out.

“Um… Hello? I guess? Whoever you are?”

“Natsia,” she replied. “The name’s Natsia. I’m your telepathic guide.”

Mother of god….

“Or,” she giggled. “If you insist you can call me Nat!”

“Um, hi… First things first, can I talk to you telepathically and verbally?”

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