Ten: Magnets React

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I went to bed that night feeling dull and emotionless. I remember walking back into my bedroom and seeing Nat, oblivious and cheerful, so I put on a fake expression. I didn’t know what to feel after seeing what I just saw... It was a bit too disturbing for my taste.

I lay in bed silently with my light off, door closed, and Natsia back inside my head, also most likely asleep by now. I made sure not to touch the side of my neck whatsoever. I wanted to forget about it as long as I needed to for the time being. After a small amount of tossing and turning, I found a comfortable sleeping position.

It wasn’t that much later that I eventually found myself dreaming.

The dream wasn’t very colourful at all. It was dark and shadowy, almost haunting. But I had a hitch that this dream might not have been meant to scare me; maybe it was almost like a forewarning of sorts.

A familiar female voice boomed through the area. It sounded like it belonged to Nat. Over and over again I would pick up the same word being repeated from her.

Aspen.... Purify... Purification...

The rest sounded fuzzy and was all a blur. But what were the words supposed to hint? Purification, huh... Purify... Purify who? Purify what?

I know I’ve heard Nat or someone mention something about purification or mentioned the word ‘purify’ before, but I forget when. I hate feeling so confused! Can a girl get a hint about what the hell could be going on?! Maybe there’s not much point in asking.

My body did not cope well with continuing the weekly routine of going to school this Monday, as the feeling of a long week ahead was like a weight placed on top of my head and shoulders. Uncomfortable, weighty, and exhausting; just like a regular school week. Usually the uncomfortable part wouldn’t really come into play, but after last week’s fiascos I can’t necessarily say the same thing anymore.

I strolled down the school hallways returning from the library after going to pick up some sheets my teacher had just printed. Old lights flickered and dimmed as cold air blowing from the ceiling fans chilled my body. This school had no idea when to use air conditioning at the right time. It could be the hottest day of the year and they’d completely forget about turning it on, while on days where it’s a bit chilly they’ll have it on full blast. (Talk about a power waste.) I looked down at the papers that bounced and flopped in my grasp as I walked. It was filled with boring teacher stuff; curriculums and day plans, that sort of thing.

It was the middle of the day, second block, right before second nutrition break and recess. I haven’t had the chance to talk to the full Guardian gang about this weekend’s activity but I figured I’ll round everyone up and give them the low-down on what’s been happening at recess or sometime during our break. But maybe not everything....

I turned into the classroom door, walking daintily towards the teacher’s desk as I straightened the papers and placed them carefully. She gave me a nod of thanks and I replied accordingly. I spun on my heel as I waddled over to my table group in the back corner of the room and plopped in my pre-warmed plastic chair. Uncomfortable and terrible quality as always, but after having been sitting in these things for the past seven or eight years, you don’t mind them too much.

I nudged Mei as I sat, and she caught the idea of what I was trying to say. Her long ponytail flicked my face as she turned her head back around. I spat out what hair what might’ve touched my tongue or got caught.

I was already distracted and thinking about last night’s dream. Purification... purification... Why were dreams so confusing? This has to be another clue of sorts...

I guess I returned to the room with such perfect timing that the bell for recess rang; interrupting my train of thought as all the kids in our class flooded out the doorway. I groaned as I rose out of my chair slowly since I had just sat down about less than a minute ago. Mei caught up to me as we squeezed through the doorway together, going to the class next door to pick up the rest of the group.

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