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That night, I found myself returning to Mount Coronet yet again. I was so weird, I mean, 'you just fought a war and now you want to go back to the warzone?' Sigh, Aspen, you're such a piece of work.

I sat on top of the rest area, which was unfortunately the spot where Natsia had been killed earlier today. It was dusk; the sun was just starting to set and stars began to come out way up in the sky. A very faint breeze blew, not as hard as usual. It was a nice change.

The mountain outback area seemed to have been repaired from the power of the Crown. There were no bloodstains and rubble to be seen, even inside when I decided to walk through again when I arrived. I was surprised that I could still open the door to the caves.

Primarily, I had come here tonight to mourn for Nat. It only felt like the right thing to do since I missed her so much.

I felt like I did when I came here on that one evening with Melissa. I still felt somewhat shrouded in mystery, meanwhile once again feeling normal and innocent. But now, I wasn't as shrouded in mystery as I was when the adventure began. Answers locked within myself had been uncovered, and I learned so much about my true character and my friend's true characters, meanwhile re-bonding and strengthening some of those relationships.

As I continued to sit, I felt like this area had finally found its proper peace. A lot more birds than usual began to chirp in lovely harmonies. I felt like sleeping in the miniature patch of grass I sat on.

"Hey, Nat," I say out loud to myself. "We did it. We saved this place. I just wish you could still be here to see it, but we all did it for you. Thank you so much for everything, I don't know what I- or we- could've done without you. Anyways, I love you lots."

It felt good getting that off of my chest.

Now I don't know if I was going crazy, but I swore I could have heard her reply in the wind.

"Aspen... Thank you. You're a wonderful girl and you deserve to be happy for everything that you have done and accomplished. You made me proud to be your guide. Don't forget that I will always be a part of you, like a piece in your heart..."

The thought and words put me at ease, and I smiled, content.

But, the only unsettling thing which almost made me wet myself was the rustling of plants behind me.

Logan showed up, apparently wanting to join me as I relaxed. Well, uh, okay then.

"Hey," I smiled, looking his way.

"Hey As, how are you?" He replied, taking a seat beside me.

"Not bad, not bad. Are you sure you're not here to send me flying off an edge again?" I teased.

"Very funny, but not anymore." Logan laughed along with the joke.

It felt nice to finally be in Logan's company normally, not waiting to cut at each other's throats and lashing out. We were finally at a serene state, and I couldn't have asked for it any other way. He looked happy as well.

"What do you think we'll do now?" He asked, looking out into the distance. "Now that this is all over and we're like, 90% still human once again."

"I dunno," I sighed. "Personally I don't think we need to worry about it. We have an amazing group of friends and allies, and I suppose whatever happens from here on in will just happen and fall into place."

"Ah, I see. That's a good way of looking at it."

"Look," Logan continued. "I just wanted to thank you for everything today. You've positively changed me by saving my aura; which I never thought would happen in a million years. You've recovered my sanity, and I can't thank you enough."

"Please, Logan, I just-"

He kissed me right then and there. The scene was almost cheesy yet perfect in the warm atmosphere of the sunset and tranquility around us, but nonetheless it was absolutely perfect. We hugged each other close, not even bothering to think about letting go. He was so soft and sweet, I thought I would faint. But hell, there was no time for that.

Although, I had realized something.

In that second of time; right then and there, I felt like our auras were shining brighter than ever before.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2013 ⏰

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