Two: Secret

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You know... if I had to think of the most awkward part of yesterday's scenario, it would be after the boy let me go and left me lying on the ground.

Melissa herself was tearing down the mountain, sprinting like someone lit a match under her butt to get to me. My eyes were barely opening, recovering from whatever the person who snapped their fingers did. It couldn't have been the boy, I mean; his grip was on me the entire time.

I could hear Melissa feet pounding against the rocky terrain, then skidding to a stop as she reached me. She patted the ground to see if I was awake, shouting and trying to get my attention.

It was weird; at the time, my body was surprisingly heavy as if it had been nailed to the ground. What else had those two people done?

Suddenly, my body instantly felt its normal mass again, which felt a lot lighter than usual since I had probably just weighed that-times-two. I slowly raised, bones cracking slightly while Melissa supported me in case I fell over. My eyes opened fully, pupils huge and confused.

Melissa turned towards me with a concerned look on her face. "Holy geez, what the heck just happened to you?! No broken bones or anything..."

My body felt the grip of his fingers again, remembering the odd feeling even though he wasn't there. I spoke softly, interrupting.

"I-It was... that boy... He saved me..." My face blushed. Melissa's look tensed even more.

"I know it was. I saw the whole thing from above. I tried getting down to you, but they put some sort of force field up to block me. They took it away as they left."

I started walking perfectly and normally, Melissa catching up to me. I lowered my head, sighing.

"We have to promise each other to not speak of this to our parents or anybody. Nobody else can know of this, I mean, it's crazy. Just act normal around everyone like nothing even happened."

Melissa's look de-tensed; her face relaxing as she kept recovering from the shock of the moment.

"I already figured. Don't worry, we can trust each other."

I smiled weakly. "I know we can."

I slowly made my way back from the shower the next morning, nice and early, wrapped in towels, struggling to stay warm. As I made it into my room, which always felt like a sauna without fans going, I sighed in pleasure as my body warmed right up.

For some reason I had pre-picked my outfit out for today. Today's outfit was my favourite- blue skinny jeans with Converse, a grey, long-sleeved, layered, shoulder-cut shirt flowing overtop, a purple designer scarf around my neck, and my light brown, feathered hair brushed and resting lightly on the tips of my bare shoulders. I felt like myself today, it felt like there were no worries (It was Friday for crying out loud). I disconnected my iPhone from the charger in the wall and made my way downstairs with my school bag and the device in my hands.

I sat at the computer while my hair dried, which became part of my morning routine since I had all this spare time. Don't ask; I like having my free time in the morning.

I checked my various sites I was a part of, like my Facebook that was always flooded with different kinds of notifications. Afterwards, I moved on to Twitter and then responded to the various comments on my deviantART page.

Spinning around on the chair, I stopped and stood up, looking at the time. My lunch was there on the counter, it looks like my dad made it just before he left for work. I'll have to thank him later.

I grabbed my lunch and packed it in my school bag, zipped it up, and went to sit on the edge of the stairs to tie up my purple shoes. The boy popped into my mind again as I fiddled with my laces. I wonder, was I sure that I might've known him? I mean, I wonder what he looked like. Melissa would know, right? She must've seen him since she had that expression of shock on her face, surely.

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