Twelve: What my Aura Wants

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As we hurried back to class, it wasn’t too much longer that we just saw Austin heading down the hallway in our direction, which was perfect for us. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so much of a hassle after all.

My neck was irritating me, so I multitasked and scratched as I ran. Eventually Mei noticed.

“What’s wrong with your neck?” She asked curiously.

Well, I had to tell someone eventually. “You know the whole incident from Sunday you heard about, when Logan attacked Melissa and I? Well, he injected an aura weakening poison, and it’s been irritating me around the source spot ever since I had it healed. Sunday night after I showered, I found myself wiping away purple, so I’ve been freaking out about my neck and not being able to forget about it ever since.”

“Hmm. Tell me more about it later. Especially tell everyone else as well. It doesn’t sound too good. Try to not focus on it for a little while; we have to keep focused on the Austin incident.”

I nodded, removing my hand and holding it directly to my side. “Right, I’ll try to not aggravate it the best I can.”

I focused back in Austin’s direction. “Austin!” I called out to him. “Wait up a sec!”

Austin instantly froze on the spot and turned his gaze over to both Mei and I as we hustled over to him hastily. His glasses covered his eyes from our vision, the light reflecting yet again. His face was still quite pale and his hands shook by his side.

Mei spoke up. “Dude, how are you feeling?”

Obviously he couldn’t be doing too well at this moment with how he looked from our point of view, but he responded with exactly what I thought he was going to say. “I just started feeling a bit woozy, that’s why I decided to take a walk to hopefully cool down and get somewhat of a breather.” He sighed, briefly looking at the wall out of the corner of his eye.

Crap. We had to act now.

“Mei, I’m going to head back to class to check in and keep everything on the down-low. You know what to do.” I whispered.

Suddenly, my neck surged with pain, making me wince. “Ow! Oh god that hurts!” I squinted, clutching the spot where I had been scratched. Eventually the pain settled a tiny bit.

Austin spoke up. “Aspen, are you-”

Mei had interrupted Austin, thank goodness. She pulled me aside, both of us momentarily turning our backs to the confused as hell Austin. “What the heck is causing it to hurt? I thought you said it had mostly healed!”

“It’s got to be the Nega energy that has been infused into Austin reacting to my partially infected aura! It hasn’t been acting up anywhere else, so that must be the case.” I muttered

“We’ll talk more about it later, like I said way before.”

“Alright, then for now I’m going to head back and check in... if that’s okay with you?”

“Yeah, but what should I do though? He still isn’t looking too well. Maybe I should just take him to the office after I close the wounds...” She sounded slightly panicked.

“Hm... Well, as long as you close the wound to get rid of that diversion. Then he’ll hopefully be well to lie down in the sick room. Maybe you could stay with him to see if any bad symptoms pop up?”

“Okay. You go back, that’s what’s currently important here. I’ll take care of Austin no problem.”

I nodded, said a brief yes, turned around and darted back into the classroom looking completely suspicious which was mostly the location on the radar I was hoping not to fall into, but I think it’s a bit too late to be worrying about that.

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