Thirteen: Heart to Heart

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Supernatural abilities come in handy no way whatsoever when it comes to sports. Well, at least in my case.

We had eventually gathered quite the group of people to join us in our little game of volleyball keep-up. Classmates had joined, seeing the ball tossed and hit into the air, wanting to get in on the excitement. We had stationed ourselves in a nice open area right by one of the biggest trees in the schoolyard that stood tall many metres away. Since it was the afternoon, we didn’t have to worry about Annabelle’s ball getting damp with the morning dew if it touched the ground and rolled off.

Surprisingly, Isla came across our little group, curious to know if she could join. I said yes with open arms; like I’ve repeated once or twice I’m a ‘more-the-merrier’ kind of person, it didn’t matter who it was. She looked like she was enjoying herself as well which was a good thing.

Not many of us had much volleyball experience. We had to play for a part of the year in P.E, so that was how most of us learned. Some of us were in the competitive intramural volleyball league like Isla, Melissa, and I, but Isla was the most experienced out of all of us. At least all of us in the circle knew how to hit a ball with our forearms and support it in the air with our fingertips.

We helped each other when a ball didn’t look like it was coming at us too nicely, or if it was headed towards the ground. We passed to each other, taking our turns participating on the fun. When the time came, we all laughed at our own mistakes. What made me happy and what would’ve made my aura shine was seeing everyone come together to utilise their teamwork skills to have such fun for our small recess period.

Unfortunately, not all of my happy moments can be too good to be true.

Someone had finally decided to show up today, walking over in our group’s direction with his short and wispy hair blowing in the faint breeze and sporting a nice pair of dark, navy jeans and a white name brand t-shirt. From the reflection of the sun on his face, it looked like he had some colour, but I knew on the inside it was all just half alive and half undead.

Isla looked over at Logan and shot him a slight look of disgust, which left me curious to know why she did that. I thought they were allies? She decided to just ignore him to the best of her ability and enjoy the entertainment of our game. Logan continued to walk past her, just staring into her eyes.

Eventually, I thought I saw Isla look back over at him and mouth the words ‘why are you here?’ to him as she bumped the ball across the circle. Logan nudged his head towards me, looking in my direction.

I bit my lip, probably looking so ridiculous and flustered right now. Why was he here right now, when did he get here, and what did he want with me... again?

Logan walked behind me and tapped my shoulder. I didn’t bother to turn around and look at him because at the time I was on the receiving end of the ball and volleyed it over to Eric.

“What? What do you want?” I whispered out of my teeth.

I felt him lean closer to me, about to whisper in my ear. “Could I please talk to you for a bit?”

I nodded out of a plainly weird sensation of awkwardness. Sure I wouldn’t mind talking to Logan, but why now?

“I’ll be back in a few minutes.” I told the group, still focused on the game. They all chimed together with a dull ‘okay.’

As I turned around to go follow Logan, I glanced over at Melissa, who I found was also looking at me, too. “Be careful.” She mouthed. I acknowledged the warning completely.

I stepped away from the circle and they closed in to fill my gap accordingly. Logan had walked up a few paces ahead, so I lightly jogged to catch up and walk beside him. He looked at me as I arrived.

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