Chapter 9

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Blake let go of my arm when we finally made it outside. I give a confused look, trying to hide my nervousness.

He give a crooked smile and said, "I just wanted to get some fresh air. Sorry if it was weird dragging you out with me. I just wanted someone... with me." He trailed off and I shuddered slightly.

"No. It's ok.", I said. It was obvious that I was nervous but Blake didn't seem to react to it.

He did that thing when he bites his lip while looking at the ground in front of him. I looked at him all the while without blinking. He had his hands in his pockets and looked as if he was a little cold but didn't want to show it. It was awkward for a few moments as we just stood outside in 30-degree weather occasionally glancing at each other.

Now that we were alone, I somehow didn't care if our eyes met. I decided it was probably the right moment to tell him how I felt. I mean, what other time are we alone like that? I contemplated if it was really the right time and recited what I would say to him in my head. I kept imagining different outcomes to the situation.

"Blake?", I said after what seemed like an eternity of silence.

"Yea, Jesse?", He looked up. His pupils had constricted by the bright light from the outdoor lamps that illuminated them.

"Can I tell you something?", I asked nervously.

He froze then nodded and looked at me straight in the eyes. He didn't look away once and that just made it even more difficult for me to talk normally.

This was it, though. I had to do it.

"Uh. It's been hard to say this but, uh. I've liked you for a while now and I, uh, never knew how or when to tell you." I realized that I was rocky back and forth nervously, which I tend to do, so I paused for a minute to calm my nerves then continued, "I don't know why but I just like everything about you. Your smile, your personality, your laugh, how funny you are, everything. I just wanted to get that off my chest since it's been bothering me ever since the first time I saw you. If you don't like me then-"

Blake suddenly pushed me back against the brick side of the building and I gasped in surprise. The boy couldn't even let me finish my speech! He put one of his hands on my shoulder to secure me against the wall and his other hand on my waist.

He inched closer and brushed his nose against mine. It made me feel almost dizzy because I couldn't believe what was happening. It was so unbelievable, but I didn't want to ruin it and stop him. It took a while for it to hit me and take in what was happening.

I felt his warm breath on my mouth as uneven burst of air. I could hear his heart beating faster and faster. I put my hand on chest because I just wanted to hear that heartbeat. I could distinctly hear each valve opening and closing under my palm through his ribs. Way better that lady from a century ago. No normal or sane person would say this but listening to his heartbeat was like a drug.

I looked up at his face and he was blushing. His whole cheek was red. He reached for my tie with the hand that was on my shoulder and forcibly tugged it closer to him. It's not that I was pulling away purposefully. It was just so shocking that I couldn't take it. And also, I just like staring at him.

I wanted to say something but I stopped myself because I knew it would be something stupid and ruin the moment.

I could hear the slow dance song end inside the cafeteria and change to the Black Eyed Peas song I Gotta Feeling. Perfect for the occasion.

Blake pushed my torso against his by my waist. I could feel warmth radiating off of him. I missed the warmth that humans always had. It was such a refreshing feeling to feel the heat from him on myself. I leaned into him and flicked my nose against his inviting him to kiss me.

He leaned forward and, finally, pressed his perfectly plump lips against mine. I put my arm around his neck and pulled him closer to me. It was like one of those Disney moments, you know? Cue grand, majestic background music.

He quickly switched to open-mouth kissing and I felt his tongue slide in between my lips into my lips like a snake. I felt it intertwine with my own tongue. He kissed me like his life depended on it! It wasn't one of those cutesy kisses but it was one of those furious, determined kisses. I tried to hold back the urge to let out a moan without any luck. Blake kissed me even harder when he heard the audible moan emit from my vocal cords.

He eased up to take a breath suddenly but I pulled him back to me because I wanted him so bad. I've waited too long for this. I just wanted it to last forever.

He granted me a few moments more of it but I felt him trying to push away again and allowed him.

"Sorry if I got carried away.", He said.

Carried away? Hell, I wanted it to last forever!

I could believe how sexy his voice sounded. It was deep and hoarse but tender.

"No, Blake. It's ok.", I said putting my hands on his shoulders.

I moved my hands up and wrapped my arms around his neck to bring myself closer to him then rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my waist soon afterward.

It felt amazing embracing him like. He felt so sturdy and, I guess I could say, well built. Just feeling the contours of his muscles... they were pure heaven. I don't know what Blake eats or does the get that muscular build, boy, he better not change it.

I let out an unnecessary and loud exhale of satisfaction. It felt like an accomplishment being able to hold him and be so close to him. I felt Blake slightly tighten his hold on me.

"Jesse? You ok?", Blake asked with a short chuckle.

"Never better.", I said able to hide my smile as I hugged him. "Blake how long have you liked me?"

I sounded so weird to ask the question that I almost regretted saying it.

He eased off of me a little, while still having his arms around my waist, to look at me. "I don't know. I think it was in the middle of Ashley and I's relationship. I have these feelings and I didn't know how to deal with them. I asked you to sit with us because I just wanted to see you... It just feels like...", He trailed off and knitted his brow as he thought of the words to say.

"Like it's happening too quickly.", I finished his sentence.

"Yea.", His blue eyes glistened as they turned into slight half moons as he smiled.

"Like you can't handle it.", I said again.

Blake nodded. His used his hand to comb over my hair and get the loose strand out of my face. I reached in and pecked him on the lips again.

"So, uh, Ashley, though.", I said with a joking tone.

"You mean the bitch?", Blake said with a straight but then changed to a smile when I started laughing.

"Yea. The bitch. I'm just wondering but- did you dump her because of me?"

"Yea. And because she just started pissing me off. Especially when she kept calling you... that word. It's kind of sad. She was so nice in the beginning. Then when she saw that I had gained an interest in you, she just brought out all her homophobia on me. She was more of a dictator than a girlfriend."

"Oh. Well I'm sorry about all of that.", I said solemnly.

He scoffed then smiled. "Breaking up with her was like being released from prison. She doesn't want to be with me. I don't want to be with her. Everyone's happy."

At least I knew that Blake and I are exactly on the same page when it comes to Ashley.

"Do you want to head back inside?", I asked after some time.

"Nope.", He said cheerfully and leaned in to kiss me again.

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