Chapter 31

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"Question 1: Is Ashley really dead?", Alex signed and looked at me after reading out the question. "Yea she is. As much as she pisses me off, I actually feel bad for her. She did have Slaic protector her but Blake was too strong."

"Question 2: 'Do your parents know about your powers?' Yes they do because they're Slaics too."

My eyebrows raised and my eyes widen. "Seriously?"

"Well technically,", He continued. "no because they gave up their powers to be normal. And if you're wondering, Ricky can't have them because his mother- my aunt- is a human she sort of cancelled it out for him. That God because that kid is insane!"

"Question 3: 'Was Blake really a psycho maniac assassin?'", Alex laughed reading it. "Yea he was. There are different types of vampires. Cailbis, Acrids, Vesnils, Neos, and a bunch of others. Blake is- was- a Vesnil. Vesnils are known to trickery to kill their enemies and are basically insane vampires. Most of them become murderers because of that. You're a Neo which is basically means that you weren't born a vampire. You'll always be weaker than a regular vampire. That's why most Neos have Slaics that protect them."

Alex wasn't half bad when it came to clarifying everything that I asked about. I swear he was a better teacher than half the ones at our school.

"Question 4-", He stopped after reading it. "Are you serious? Do you have to bring this up?"

I laughed. "Just read it.", I said remembering what I had written.

He sighed. "'Do you have a crush on me?'", He sighed and placed the paper down on his lap. "I can't answer that."

"What the hell? You promised! Answer it, Alex.", I said. Then I added. "You kissed me two times! Two!"

I held two fingers up in his face obnoxiously. He clawed them away. "Shut up. My cousin is in the room down the hall.", He whispered harshly.

"Answer the question.", I said in a threatening tone. "Or was it another act that you pulled off."

He groaned as he rubbed his hands down his face. "It wasn't fake."

"Ah-ha!", I bursted out.

"Will you be quiet? I'm not even supposed to fall in love with you since it's against stupid Slaic Law. 'Thou shall not love thy Neo.'", He repeated the phrase proudly.

I looked at him for a few seconds but couldn't help but burst out laughing. I don't know if it was the way he said it or how eloquent and prestigious the phrase sounded.

"Why are you laughing? It's really serious. If I disobey the law, I can be sentenced to death."

I stopped laughing abruptly. "Whoa, really? That's kind of messed up."

"Yea. That's what I've had to live with since I was protecting you.", He said.

"Since you were protecting me. That's more than a century! You told me that you starting to kind of like me a few months ago!"

"Well obviously saying a century would strike you as a little odd during that time.", He looked down avoiding my eyes. "Do you like me?"

"Oh my gosh. Don't do this to me. Stop with the blushing thing and the innocent approach.", I said looking at his tomato face.

"I can't stop myself from blushing!", He protested. "This is getting a little awkward."

"You didn't answer my question though.", I said folding my arms. "Fine on a scale from 1 to 10, how much to you like me. 1 being not at all and-"


I covered my mouth to avoid saying anything and showing the smile behind it.

"You know how much this sucks, right?", I said.

"Yea.", Alex said. "Now do the scale thingy with me."

"You're going to hate me though. Plus, we're getting off topic.", I said. He looked at me with impatience in his eyes. "Ok. Um... six?"

"What? Are you asking me? Why was that a question? Shouldn't you know how much you like me?"

"First of all, I kind of just got out of a relationship in the worst way possible yesterday. Second, it doesn't even matter how much we like each other since that Slaic Law thing says you can't love me.", I said folding my arms

"Then we can be like Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake in Friends With Benefits.", He said.

I looked at him in disbelief. "Are you crazy? Do you even know what that involves?"

"Yea. Why not?"

"Hell no. Look, we're both going to college. We can meet people there, see someone we like, and we forget that we ever liked each other. Now, go back to the questions."

He sighed and took up the paper which had fallen on the ground. He paused for a few seconds as if he was thinking.

"What?", I said eying him.

Almost instantly he pounced, yes pounced, on me and planted a four-second kiss on my lips. Then he sat back down on his chair like nothing happened.

"The fuck is wrong with you? Are you mental?", I said since it was the only word I could say.

"Because you're so damn cute!", He said with sad frustration.

"Ok. I am not cute.", I said pointing a finger at him. "I'm attractive... but not cute."

He chuckled to himself.

"Read. The. Next. Question.", I said trying to hide a smile by gritting my teeth.

"Question 5: 'Are you an assassin?'", He scoffed.

He got up and started moving to his closet. I waited, watching him with confusion. He soon pulled out about eight different guns and dispersed them on the floor. Telling by how badass the guns were, my questioned was answered with a yes. He looked up smiling like an idiot.

"Is this legal?", I asked.

"No.", He said amused. "I've had them for years."

"How many vampires have you killed including Blake and his buddies."

"Hmm.", He said. "Never really counted. I'd say... somewhere around 15 to 20. You're really a favorite for Vesnils.", He paused dramatically. "Maybe because you're so damn cute."

"Can you please stay on topic? Next question."

He put the guns back in the closet and took his seat in his chair again.

"Question 6: 'What other lies have you told me?'. Remember when I told you that I got wait-listed for NYU?"


"I actually got in way before you because I worked my magic in the people at the admission office."

"Wait, what?!"


"Alex, if you're joking...", I said.

"I'm not. And you know what that means.", He said smirking.

"We're going to NYU together! Yes!", I shouted out.

"I wanted to surprise you near the last day of school but-", I cut him off with a suffocating hug. "Jesse... Remember... that vampires... are really... strong."

I released my grip around him. "We totally are going to be in the same fraternity together. We're going to have frat parties every night- We may not be able to have the same dorms but we could have some classes and clubs together! I can't wait!"

"Jesse, chill out. Do you want me to answer these questions or not? We have like 20-something left to go.", Alex said.

I quieted myself holding in my happiness.

"Question... 7", He said remembering what number he was on. "'Are you immortal?' No I'm not. Slaics live three times as long as humans do so we age really slowly compared to humans."

"Question 8: 'What exactly is your sexuality?'", He looked up at me with a blank face. "Really?"

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