Chapter 29

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I was still caught looking at Blake. It was unreal what he put me through. They say that forgiveness is the always the way to go but I do think I can ever grant Blake my forgiveness. I looked away from his bloody body in both anger and sadness.

"Hey. Don't freak out when I do this but- well you'll see.", Alex said.

Out of no where, Alex obliterated Zach and Blake's bodies. They puffed into golden dust which soon faded. (Wow. I guess Stephanie Meyers really did get Twilight right. Vampire do actually sparkle.) The pools of blood were also removed from the asphalt.

"If you're wondering, vampires contain a unique substance in their bodies. A chemical change occurs when their exploded and the entire corpse becomes a mass of golden particles that eventually disappear from existence.", Alex said.

Thanks for the science lesson, Alex.

I was too much in awe to reply.

"I took care of David's and Michael's bodies too since my the range of my ability can reach up to eight miles.", Alex said.

"Of course you did." I said, still baffled by what he did.

It was like something out of a movie that I was living. I couldn't possibly be dreaming since, well, I'm a vampire and I can't sleep!

"So no cops needed?", I asked.

"Hell, no!", He said looked at me in shock. "Have you not seen what happens when people call the police when shit like this happens. You get locked up for being insane!"

"Well at least you qualify for being an X-man.", I joked.

Alex turned to Blake's car and did some weird hand gestures at it. The car's metal crunched like a paper ball into a smaller and smaller material. I couldn't believe my eyes how it just crumpled into a small metal ball that was about the size of a fist. They in a split second, it exploded and was gone- and I mean gone! Bye, bye Nissan Altima.

"Should I even asked about the truck?", I said.

Alex smiled and turned to the truck. He moved it back into its tires. The scratched were buffed away, the dents were pushed back into form, the flat tires were refilled with air and repaired, and the broken windows and windshield glass was reformed from the shards around. When he done, you would never have been able to tell that it was smashed up. It was just like it was before.

"Are you God?", I asked Alex. I mean, can you blame me for asking?

"No, I'm just naturally awesome.", He said smirking.

"There you go again with your cocky self.", I said shaking my head. "So what happens now?"

He walked over to the purple dagger and flicked his hand making the blood all over it vanish instantly. He placed it in his back pocket then went over to the machine gun and took it up.

"This is what's going to happen. We're going to go back to your house, I'm going to tweak your parents' memory a little and you're not going to mention this to anyone. Got it?", Alex said.

I nodded slowly. We both walked back to the truck and got in.

"So, uh. When do I get my questions answered?", I asked on our way to my house.

"Come by my house tomorrow and I'll answer them.", Alex said.
It was after 1 am when we arrived back at my house. Alex rang the doorbell and we waited for a few moments before the lights in the voters turned on.

My mom opened the door and immediately had an anger expression all across her face. "Jesse! Do you know what time-"

Her eyes immediately went to white and she was in some weird trance.

"Call your dad.", Alex commanded me.

I turned to him and realized that his eyes were white too. I held back the temptation of asking yet another question and yelled in the house for my dad. His heavy footsteps were soon heard coming down the stairs.

"Jesse! I can't believe-", He suddenly stopped and the bottom of the stairs like a puppet and his eyes went white as my mom's.

"I'm making it so that your parent think that you didn't go anywhere today after school- not the game and not my house. All you have to do is go up stairs and pretend to sleep. See you tomorrow. Sorry for all of this.", Alex said.

I turned back at him before entering the house. His eyes were white as my parent's but the outline of his pupil was could be barely seen. It was creepy and cool at the same time.

"Thanks, man- for everything.", I said to him smiling.

"Don't mention it.", He said smiling back. His smile soon dropped to a serious expression. "Really. Don't mention it- like, to anyone."

I nodded at him in agreement and moved past my mom and the front door and my dad to head up to my room.
This is NOT the last chapter so calm down when I ask you all: Should I do a sequel?

You're minds may or may not change when you get to the end of the story.

I want you all's opinions. I torn between continuing this as a series or not. I have like two other stories "in construction" as we speak.

Comment what you think I should do. (You can change your response at anytime until the end of the story.)

Thanks guys! ^_^

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