Chapter 20

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We ate dinner in almost complete silence. The TV wasn't turned on so it just made matters worse. It couldn't be any more awkward.

I looked up from my food at my dad periodically to check his expression. It never seemed to change from the hard, ticked-off look. I didn't know how to break the silence. Luckily, he broke the silence for me.

"So, what was that boy's name again.", My dad said while sticking his fork into a chicken wing. He took the wing to his mouth but paused before biting into it and looked up at me.

"Oh, that's Blake. Remember?", I said providing a smile.

The smile didn't phase him.

"So Blake is your...", He dragged it out expecting me to finish the line for him.

"Boyfriend.", I said wincing a little when I said it.

"Hmm.", He said quietly chewing the meat of the wing.

What the hell does "hmm" mean? I eyed my mom for help and she mouthed "tell him".

Haven't I made it obvious already? I have a boyfriend. I am a boy. Therefore, I am gay. Put the pieces together, dad.

"Dad, I'm gay.", I blurted out.

He calmly said. "I know."

Both my mom and I had the same surprised expressions as we whipped our heads to him.

"I've know since we adopted you.", He continued. "Seems like all those times that I tried to get you back to reality all went to waste."

My mom fidgeted uncomfortably with the chicken wing bone on her plate.

"Dad what do you mean? There's nothing wrong with me.", I said looking at him in disbelief.

He scoffed. "Nothing wrong with you... Jesse how the hell is kissing another boy normal? I mean, get real! It's 2015-"

"Yea it's 2015!", I shouted out. "It's about time that people wake up and realize that love doesn't have to be between two people of different genders."

"And who do you think you're talking to like that?", My dad shouted matching my volume.

"Honey.", My mom said placing her hand on his arm. He brushed her off.

My dad pointed his fork at me accusingly. "I don't know what's going through your head, Jesse, but you better fix yourself-"

"There's nothing to fix! This is who I am! If you really loved me, you would've accepted who am I."

"How can I?! It's disgusting."

That one word, disgusting, was like a stab to my chest. (Not with a knife... But a wooden stake.) We gave each other death stares.

I felt like flipping the table and, sorry if this is mean, but strangling my dad.

"So I guess you can just send me back to that stupid adoption center then since obviously you don't want me as a son!", I shouted in anger.

My mom let out a quiet whimpered as she shielded her saddened eyes with her hand.

He ignored my statement. "I really wonder what else you've been keeping from us. Like, that night that you said you were at Alex's house doing a project. What were you really doing?"

He almost sounded as though he were challenging and pushing my patience- which he was. I was infuriated!

My mom turned to me and gasped. "Jesse. Your eyes..."

I had forgotten that my eyes get darker- almost black when I'm really, and I mean, really angry.

I looked at my dad, almost growling at him, and scooted out from my chair. I was done talking to him. If he wasn't going to accept me for who I am, why bother trying to persuade him?

I somehow fought the urge to throw him against the wall as I passed him. I zipped up the stairs at vampire speed when they weren't looking, stormed in my room, and slammed the door shut. I was feeling more than a typical teenage tantrum.

I could here the lecture that my mom was giving my dad. Yet, he still stayed strong with his views. All I could hear afterward was my mom's crying and my dad's sighs of frustration.

I wanted to get the hell out of here and run away like those kids in the movies but this time, never come back. Something inside of me told me to stay though, which I hated.

I slumped down on my bed on my back wishing that I were human and I could sleep this off and rest my mind of what just happened. I wished that I didn't have such a good memory and could just forget what he said.

I decided to call Blake, since I just needed someone helpful to talk to. It rang three times before he picked it.

"Hey, babe.", He said in a silly voice.

I worked hard not to crack a smile since I was still trying to keep my angry state.

"Hey, Blakey Wakey.", I answered back to play along. I kept some seriousness in my tone. "So I told my parents."

"Oh, great! How'd it go?"

"Well, my mom was pretty cool about it.", I said. "And she even said that you're handsome."

"Ooh. Your mom seems awesome already.", He said with a sly tone. "And your dad?"

I gave a sarcastic laugh as Blake kept silent on the other end of the line.

"Well, he was definitely an asshole about it.", I mumbled angrily.

"What did he say?", Blake asked, his charming tone changing to be almost as serious as mine.

"He said it was disgusting and made it seem like something is wrong with me." This is where I started blurting out everything that came to mind. "I mean, doesn't the Tennessee aquarium have two gay penguins? If animals can be gay why is it such a big deal for a human being to be gay?"

Blake continued being quiet as I continued my angry rant.

"People keep using religion and God as their excuse for hating homosexuality. I mean, how the hell can you hate something that has no effect on your life. If you're heterosexual, who are you to say that homosexuality is wrong?"

"Idiots are denying people the right for gays to marry because they say it's unnatural. It's ridiculous! And to think, during my time, it was worse.", I stopped there when I realized that saying "my time" almost gives away the fact that I'm from a distant decade.

I heard Blake's laughter on the other end. "Calm down, Jesse. Wait, what did you mean by 'during your time'? You sound like my dad when he talks about the lessons he learned as a kid."

I scrambled to find something to back up what I said. "Uh, I just say stupid things when I'm angry."

He giggled a little then stopped. "But seriously, that was messed up what your dad said. Do you want me to go over there and speak my mind to him, because I can do that if you want."

"No, thanks. It's ok. I'll deal with it myself.", I said miserably.

I could still sense concern in Blake's silence.

"Well, look on the bright side.", Blake said. "Remember what this Friday is."

"Oh, yea.", I said remembering. "The game."

"You're still coming right?"

"Yea.", I said. "I'll probably buy my ticket tomorrow during lunch."

"Is Alex coming?"

"Probably not.", I said. "He's more of a soccer fan. He can't really relate to football."

Technically soccer is football... Get your shit together, America.

"Oh, ok."

"But I'll ask him anyway.", I assured him.

"Cool. See you then. Oh, and remember that I can't drop you home Wednesday because... well you know."

I laughed a little. "Yea, enjoy detention.", I teased.

"Oh, I will.", Blake said back sarcastically.

The Life of a Gay Teenage Vampire [Boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now