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This is my first official story, guys. If you do enjoy it, please feel free to sharing it with your friends and also favoriting it. :)

-This is not a fanfiction. Yes, I did use one of the guys from 5SOS as a character but his name is changed.

-This story does include several sexual themes that may not be suitable for younger readers. (What's the point of even saying this since y'all still read it anyway?)

-Please point out any grammatical or spelling errors to me. That would be much appreciated.

And above all: Happy Reading! ^_^
This is the story of how some ordinary human changed my life. Since I had lived such a long life and seen centuries of events in history pass by as well as technological advancements and innovation, not many things really amused me- or at least very easily amused me.

Humans try and interpret our kind through movies and shows like Twilight and Vampire Diaries. All of which have many flaws and misinterpretations. Well, I guess the fact that humans know almost nothing about us amuses me so I'll give you that.

Most humans may not think this but the worst thing about being a vampire is never growing old and passing away. You can only live for so long before life starts getting slower and more lonesome.

I was born in 1821 in London, England. I was human at the time and so were my parents. We moved to the United States when I was 17 years old and settled in New York City to live "The American Dream".

It was more than a dream but a reality. Life was great. I had many friends, my parents and I could support ourselves well and managed the upper-middle-class, and we were almost always happy. Even though I was an only child, I was never lonely.

At the time, I never even knew vampires existed and never was aware that they were constantly among us.

Everything changed one night when I was walking home from some music performance that I had watched with friends. It was pretty late at night and there were barely any people on the street. I believe I only saw one or two people during that night.

I briskly walked longing to make it home knowing of all the robbers and criminals out at this time-of-night in New York.

As I walked passed an alleyway, I caught a shadowy figure in the corner of my eye that quickly moved when I attempted to catch a glimpse of it. I could feel my heart thumping in my chest and I picked up my pace until I was pretty much running like an idiot.

Suddenly, something moved as quick as lightning past me brushing against my arm causing me to lose my balance. I fell hard on the pavement and possibly broke my arm when I tried to break my fall.

I let out a groan and turned myself over on my back and when I was about to get back up, there was a tall, dark-hair man in front of me with an evil smirk across his face. His eyes were blood-red and glistened as they peered down at me.

I was scared and speechless.

"What are you doing out here, young man?", His voice was deep and villainous.

I could feel my breathing speed up and I managed to say, "Go- going home. I don't mean any tr- trouble, mister."

He walked forward a step towards me still with the menacing smile on his face. I tried backing away from him on my elbows my arm hurt terribly for me to make any progress.

"Please. You can ta- take all my money. I-" He cut me off before I could continue and put up his hand.

"I don't want your money, my boy."

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