Chapter 32

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Alex didn't answer Question 8 so I think it's something I'm never meant to know or he doesn't even know himself.

He spent another hour and a half on the questions since we kept getting off topic and Alex kept procrastinating over his answers. It was a miracle when he finally reached the last question though.

"Question 27: '(You ask me a question.)'. That's not even a question, idiot.", He said. We both bursted out laughing.

Alex went to a more serious face and his voice quieted. "Do you ever think about your parents- your real parents?"

I smiled dropped instantly and looked down. "Well duh. Every day.", I said but then my expression softly to a more saddened one. "I just wish I wasn't such a coward and didn't go back to them at least to saying good-bye. I just abandoned them."

"It's not your fault.", Alex said.

"I miss them so much. Can you imagine how they were when I didn't come home that night? Can you imagine not being able to go back to your parents because you're scared you would hurt them. I didn't send a letter or anything. I was an idiot. Sometimes I wish that this never happened to me. Of all the people in New York, that guy had to choose me. What does it matter anyway? I'm still damned to Hell."

"Hey, don't say that. You're one of the most generous vampires- people I know. I wouldn't be surprised if that cool guy in Heaven gave you a ticket to be back with your parents. In the meantime, you've got them watching over you every day and I know they're as proud to be your parents as I'm proud to be your best friend."

"Thanks, Alex." I said giving him a less strangling hug.

"No. Thank you. You're the only Neo that I would protect in the whole world."
The next couple of months, Alex and I were back to the good old days, I guess you could say. We hung out more since I was no longer caught up in Blakey Wakey. (Speaking of him, Alex and I made it clear never to speak of him again or even say his name. It's kind of like Lord Voldemort in Harry Potter.)

He showed me some other abilities that vampires have that I wasn't aware of like mind control and how to slow down my metabolism so I don't crave blood as often. The metabolism ability comes in handy but I'm still working on the mind reading.

For my 18th birthday (Really 194th birthday), I passed my driver's test- finally- and Alex and I went to Coney Island the next day to celebrate.

Alex also fixed the Prius that's been sitting in the garage for months so I basically have a new car. Yes, he also hypnotized my parents to believe that it was never broken.

It turned out that Alex hypnotized my father to be accepting of homosexuality so my dad and I are back to our regular father-son relationship.

Blake's parents, which are also vampires, basically left the planet a week after that faithful night. I went back there just out of curious out and there was already a "For Sale" sign.

I still think about Blake but the more I do, the more I remember him as the psycho maniac assassin man-whore asshole. Look, he's still attractive but I hate his guts- no pun intended.

June graduation could've been better. Just hearing my name get called was the signal that I could finally get out of this place called high school.

Brendan Wilkins, which actually turned out to be incredibly smart (or maybe his parents cheated him into college) since he got into Yale, threw and End-Of-The-Year party that every senior was invited to. It was way better than the other other one from before for obvious reasons. Alex was the one that got drunk so I drove him home that night.

We started packing for NYU in the last week of July and we had to rent a trailer to attach to Alex's pick up truck. My dad agreed to follow us with Prius and have my mom pick him up at in NYC.

Alex decide to major in psychology since he thinks his actual hypnosis would be beneficial to people. I decided on majoring in biology and sought the Carlisyle Cullen way of becoming a surgeon. I'm not counting on it but I still think being in the medical field would be great. Don't worry, I can control myself now with blood.

Basically, in the end, everyone won- except Blake. (Evil laugh.)

"I going miss you so much. Why do you have to grow up so fast?", My mom said sobbing as she hugged me.

Again, it was ironic since I don't age as I've already established. In a few years, they'll see a pattern, but I won't tell them yet.

"Bye, son. It's been a fun ride. Study hard. Make me even more proud.", My dad said as he hugged me and patted me on the back.

"I will, dad."

I looked back at Mr. and Mrs. Hayes and thought 'What the hell would I do without this guys.' but then I looked over at Alex already in his truck. What the hell would I do with that idiot in there? It's amazing how some 194 years led me to this moment that I would give up for the billions of moments over the years.

"Get in loser!", Alex called after me. "We're going to NYU!"

I've already started writing the sequel, yes sequel, to this. The first chapter should be out soon if not already as we speak so go check it out if you want to see how Jesse handles college. *wiggles eyebrows*

Also, I'd like to thank MissHelloMelody for contributing to some ideas when I was stuck with writer's block. Early on when I writing the first few chapters, I wanted to give up and delete the story but you guys inspired me to keep writing. Thank you guys for all the support.

Remember, after you guys recuperate from the plot twist that I wrote, read the sequel! Love y'all! ❤✌
Update: School has begun again so I won't be writing as often. Just a heads up, guys. It's senior year and I'm going to be busy!! ^_^ Nevertheless, thank you all for your great support!

If you guys want to see when my next story comes out (since I'm writing several), follow me! Love you guys!!


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