Chapter 30

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The next morning, I still had Blake on my mind. I couldn't actually still have feelings for him, could I? He wanted to kill me and Alex! He was a psycho maniac assassin! Who knew?

So I'm back to being single again, but now I've learn why some people are so cautious about relationships. You never know when your boyfriend or girlfriend is actually a psycho maniac assassin that wants to kill you. You never know.

I managed to write down a list of all the questions I was going to asked Alex on a piece of paper. The list took up the whole front and back of the paper so you can tell how confused I was about all of this.

I went downstairs wondering how my parents would act after being hypnotized last night. When I reached the kitchen, they were both doing they usually thing. My dad was at the dining table reading the newspaper and my mom was at the coffee maker.

"Good morning, mom. Good morning, dad.", I said after reaching the kitchen.

They both said good morning to me in cheerful voices. It particularly surprised me with my dad since he's still supposed to be pissed with me. I shrugged that off anyway even though it was weird.

"We have sausages and biscuits for breakfast, sweetie.", My mom said to me.

"It's ok. I'm not really hungry.", I said then added, "I was wondering if I could go over to Alex's house today."

"Sure.", She said.

Was it really that easy? Usually she was ask further into it. And my dad wasn't going to come out of nowhere and tell me not to go? Was this a parallel universe?

"Can I go right now?", I asked.

"Yea.", She said giving a Barbie-like smile.

She became to most lenient parent ever over night. It was great! It seemed like I could do anything I wanted at that point. The power of hypnosis...

It seemed like they both almost ignored me as I started for the door. I continued watching them as I opened the door wondering if they would snap into parenting mode and wonder why I'm going to Alex's house. How suspicious could I be?

I closed the door behind me as I was finally outside still wondering about what took place these last couple of days. I shook off thoughts of Blake stirring in my head.

Alex's house was several houses down the street. If I travelled there at vampire speed, I would arrive there in seconds.

So, I got to his house in about three seconds flat- a personal record. I rang the door bell and some person who was neither Alex nor one of his parents answered. He looked a little younger than a teenager but older then a 10 year old- a preteen basically.

"Hey, are you Alex's cousin?", I asked.

"Maybe. Who are you?", He looked at me with cautious.

"I'm Alex's friend- Jesse.", I said.

"I don't know anybody by that name, sorry.", He started closing the door and I shoved my hand against it to keep it open. Humans will always be weaker than vampires but even as I'm going easy on him with my strength it feels like no weight is going against it.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs as I effortlessly kept the door open.

"Riley! Stop being stupid and let him in!", It was Alex.

He shoved him out of the way and cursed something under his breath then open the door wider for me to go inside.

"Sorry.", He turned to Riley. "He's not even allowed to answer the door."

The boy gave Alex a mocking glare then ran up the stairs.

"That's your cousin?", I asked wondering.

"Yea. He can be a pain sometimes. Yesterday he was better behaved only because he saw his favorite movie- The Avengers.", He nodded, filling the awkward silence.

I took out the folded paper with my questions from my pocket and handed it to him. "Here are all the questions that I have so far."

He took the paper and his eyes went wide. "So far?"

"Yea... Sorry, I'm really confused about this whole thing and sort of in shock."

"Do you want to eat something before we-", He stopped in this sentence. "Oh right. You don't need any food. Do you at least need..."

"Oh, no. I told my mom that I was going for a walk Wednesday afternoon and since the church nearby was doing a blood drive, I maybe stole a few packs."

"Jesse!", Alex said in dismay. "You stole from a church! And those blood packs could've saved people's lives!"

"Look, they had a lot more anyway to compensate. Plus, I don't like killing animals all the time."

He exhaled trying to keep his cool. "Whatever. Let's just go upstairs."

"Where are your parents?", I asked following him.

"They're out at the grocery store and going to Home Depot because my mom doesn't think we have enough flowers for the garden.", He said.

We entered his room and I immediately flopped down on his bed. I've been to Alex's house numerous times so his room is basically a second bedroom for me.

He pulled up his desk chair in front of me and held the paper in front of him.

"Let's begin.", He cleared his throat dramatically

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