Chapter 1.2

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It all started when I first saw Jamie high above the city. Our parents work together though we didn't know that then. He was flying low over a building when I popped in front of him.

I didn't know then that what I can do wasn't normal. I just wanted to know how he was flying. He crashed into me and we ended up in a pile on the rooftop.

After we fought over how it was his fault for crashing into me and my fault for getting in his way, we hit it off pretty well. It wasn't until I saw him at some fancy christmas party that we learned our parents worked together. This is slightly suspicious as they work at a science lab and we had figured out what we could do wasn't normal.

Our parents don't know that we know about each other. Unfortunatly distancing ourselves from normal people in school to keep our secret doesn't work out as we go to differant schools.

The fangirls think me and Jamie are a crime fighting couple because we have masks, he's a boy (I'm not), and we haven't been caught robbing anything. The mask so my parents don't kill me for teleporting in public.

Over the years I've got the feeling from them that this needs to be kept secret. If it came out that I can teleport the lab would get blamed even if it's like some weird genetic mutation or I'm magic or something.

I personally believe I got my powers from a mutation or a lab, as I have not been able to turn my sister into a frog. Trust me I kept trying until I was seven.

My parents were "clever" enough to give me and twin sister similar names. Sarah (my twin) and Sierra (me).

My sister can freeze stuff. People, animals, objects, sisters... Not in ice or anything but she can make it stop in mid-air. The reason I kept trying to turn her into a frog. I can speak from personal experiance that you don't notice any time has passed. Everything unfreezes when she wants it to or when enough time (twenty four hours) has passed.

She doesn't like running wild through the city. She looks just like me except for our eyes. Hers are green. Mine are a purple that Jamie says glows in the dark. That might explain my night vision.

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