Chapter 12.1

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Leo's pov

"Don't shoot the messenger!" I screamed as I assaulted by a throw pillow.

Everyone yelled like this was my fault.

"Wait those guys that drugged me were with them!"


"My parents did this to me!"

"This makes so much sense.

"I've known you for five years. How do you not mention this!"

The bell over the entrance door rang loud enough to deafen. Logan held his phone in the air.

Logan: Why are you blaming Leo for this? He's in the boat with us. It doesn't make sense to try and sink him.

Serena flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"What the hell does that even mean?"

Logan shrugged.

Logan: My mom said it a lot.

Said. As in past tense. I knew what his family did to him. His dad kicked him out for powers. He also would have done it if he knew his son is gay.

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