Chapter Ten: My Family Comes First!

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Walking to school was not much fun without Paul. We literally dragged our feet to school and I still wasn't sure whether talking to Hardin was a good idea.

I got my books and closed my locker to see Hardin leaning on the lockers. I thought he was angry, was it a good thing...... because I had a bad feeling today about him but I tried to push it away.

"What do you want?" I asked holding my geography book.

"We still have an hour before class begins, wanna hang out outside?" I was shocked to say the least at his behavior but maybe talking is what we needed.

"Fine." We sat on the stairs. "Let's start this... whatever this is, the right way." I said.

"What do you mean?" he asked sitting one stair higher than me.

"Let me start. Hi I'm Rye Vander Waal, nice to meet you. You?" I said stretching my hand out.

He twitched his eyebrows but did the same. "Likewise, Hardin, Hardin Barilla." I took his hand and started to shake it when something twitched in my head. Barilla! I pulled out my hand. He jerked.

"Is your father To... Todd Barilla?" I asked my eyebrows furrowed in anger and my chest heaving high and low with every breath I take.

"Yes, why and how do you know my father? What happened?" he asked confused.

"Oh don't play dumb with me, your father kidnapped my brother. I should have listened to my instinct when it warned me of you. Here I was trying to understand feelings I didn't know were for jerks like you." I spat and stormed inside. Something deep down in me wanted him to follow me and explain himself but I should have known I was one of his many projects.

I ran to the bathroom and cried my heart out. It hurt so much even more than betrayal and trust me that is a must happen in the mob world.

Safra came into to bathroom and saw me crying, I immediately ran to hug her.

"What happened Rye?" she asked stroking my hair.

"Hardin is a Barilla Safra, the family that kidnapped Paul and wants to destroy dad's company." I sobbed into her shirt.

"What?!" she exclaimed but stopped because she didn't want to bombard me with more questions. We stayed there for how long and I could feel my eyes puffing up due to all the crying. I still didn't know why it hurt so much, it was just two kisses.


I couldn't go to class like this. I decided to stay in the stall till second period, suddenly I was interested in how I looked which is not a feeling I enjoy.


30 minutes to second period, I came out and made my way outside, sat on the stairs and became grateful for the sunshine on my face. Safra came out and held me quietly, I had no words but I was very sure my tears had finished.

"You know we have to attend second period?"

"I know, my tears are finished now. So I have to."

"Good, let's go its almost time."

Mafia In Love (Book#1) In The Mafia Love SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now