C2: 'ChesterField High'

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School was starting today. I was already out of the bathroom rummaging through my closet. I wasn't to type to be woken up, it was like I had an alarm clock inside me. Well, actually I liked to think I built my personal own. Planning things ahead was my specialty, even though Damien was more cultured, He could never beat my schedule. I was always early and had everything done before time. But I was the still a party jock. I never missed a good party and every time my parents always allowed me to go, even if something bad always happens, because I make a mental note to never for for a party that has hurt me, twice.

"I finally found what to wear." A crop top with crazy jeans and McQueen sneakers. I loved fashion but I had to keep a low profile.

"Rye, breakfast is ready. Quit dolling yourself and get down here!" Paul yelled and I headed downstairs with my comeback.

"At least I'm not the one who was barfed on." I said as I noticed his all green outfit. I'm pretty sure you can guess his outfit. I'll help anyway.

We loved to drees by characters. I love MK and Victoria's Secret and I always wore that, Paul loved Armani and the Avengers. So he decided to go with Hulk today. Green shirt, Dark green pants, teal sneakers. At last, a black jacket.

"You're getting worse at comebacks, sis." Damien said and Paul stifled a laugh.

"Can we eat? I don't want to children to be late on your first day." My mother said. My dad made a note to not speak until he's done with his food and finished that days morning puzzle. So 10-11am would be a good to talk to him.

We left with the driver in one of my dad's multiple cars. My parents had urgent business to attend.


The hallway was quiet and Paul took us to find the Counselor's office. I silently thanked God, no one was on the hallway. I couldn't deal with an all eyes on me crowd.

A teacher pointed us to the office and we were greeted by a friendly faced middle aged woman.

"Ahhh," she started. "You must be the Vander Waals. Please take a sit." She added. We obliged.

"So here are your leaflets." She said handing us a small flyer. "They have your schedule and all the choice of classes you'll be picking for your courses." She added.

Apart from wanting to be the best Mafia after my dad, I also wanted to be an Architect. So I knew I would be doing a lot of Mathematics and Technical drawings. Paul wanted to be an MMA fighter but my dad would have none of it. So he went for doctor which was the second thing he wanted to do.

"Pick your classes, be punctual, after school activities help with grades, so choose wisely and you'll be fine." She said and we knew it was our cue to leave.

"So Dr. Paul, what's your first class?" I asked my brother.

"Ha-ha, very funny. We've already missed two periods, three more to go. I have chemistry now. You?" He asked turning to face me. I was a few months older than him but even I sometimes forget that.

"Further Mathematics. I thought that was done in high school, this school teaches ahead." I said smiling, I also loved doing things ahead. "I'm already loving the school."

"Kk, I'll see you after. Anyone bullies you, call me." He said sternly.

"Yes, big bro." I chuckled.


The class was filled with unfamiliar faces. I calmly stepped into the class, my head held up high.

"Can I help you?" A man said turning to face me.

"Yes sir. I'm the new student." I said burying my nervousness. I was usually not easily intimidated, but this school felt different. I had to be careful if not I would be the death of my family.

"Oh yes, Miss Vander Waal. Wait after the class." He said. "Take a seat." He added gesturing to the empty seat beside a blonde girl who wore glasses but still looked drop dead gorgeous. I nodded and sat down.

"Hey, how are you?" She said. I remembered the lyric from Johnny Orlando's All these Parties song.

"I'm good. Thanks." I replied with a small smile. I remembered my first rule.

"O.K." she said slowly noticing my reluctance. The class ended with the teacher telling Safra as I found out her name was to give me a tour. I stayed as per the instruction.

"Here are the notes you've missed. Just don't make trouble and you'll be on my good side." He said coldly and handed me the papers gesturing me to leave.

Safra ran up to me at my locker.

"Tell me you don't remember me?" She asked her eyes gleaming through her glasses. I looked at her puzzled.

"K... know you?" I stuttered. Typical, act like you are long lost friends then kill you. I tried retreating.

"Wait I'm Safra.. Safra Florentyne. Your dad and my dad are close friends." It finally rang a bell. Florentyne. I once had a crush on her still smoking hot brother until I found out he was older than me by about six years.

"Safy!" I exclaimed. "It's been forever." I added pulling her into a tight hug. We shared everything, including when I lost.... Never mind.

"As if. You lost contact with me."

"Sorry after the.. incident, nothing was the same." I said swallowing the tears that threatened to break out.

"Kk. Well we meet again in Chesterfield High. I'll give you a tour and give you all the deets. But after the last class."

We strode off to our last class reminiscing all the lost moments. We walked into class and there are only two seats available but they are separate. I allow Safra to go to the girl's empty seat.

My eyes meet an icy color.



What color of eyes would you have wanted?

I would have gotten icy blue.

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Much love

Mafia In Love (Book#1) In The Mafia Love SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now