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Rye's POV

I was still wondering how a trending topic didn't have a subject.


I couldn't get his eyes out of my head. Boy! I had to get him out of my head, bad news.

We met up (I, Safra and Paul) and left for school. Paul stood in the middle with each of his arms wrapped around us, but he tightly held Safra and she seemed happy with the attention. They loved each other and didn't even know it.

We got to school and we had different classes. Great. I thought as I entered my first class, he offered lit-in-English and no empty seats.

"Welcome students, we'll continue with where with left off on The Great Gatsby." Mrs. Puff, as I learned was our L-I-E teacher's name. "Yes, Miss Vander Waal, just keep up today and get the notes from your classmates. Have you read the book?" she asked inquisitively.

"Yes, a few times actually." I answered.

"Good, so you should fit in fine." She said and continued to talk about the book.

"You read?" Hardin chuckles mockingly beside me. I ignore him. "And you're acting badass." He added.

"You don't shut up, I'm gonna kick your ass." I spat. "I heard you don't talk much so why don't you stick with that legacy and leave me alone."

He just chuckled and it was aggravating. He had a very generic smile. Quit it mind!

"Who told you that?" he sounded serious. I ignored him and focused on the class, to say the truth I loved The Great Gatsby and I was interested in the subject.

I felt his eyes boring holes into my side skin. The bell rang, thank God. I ran out of the class. It was lunch time already, apparently there is a huge free time after first period on Tuesday.

"Hi, green eyes." I heard someone call behind as I entered the cafeteria. Hardin! For someone who doesn't talk, he sure is a pest. I signaled Safra, that I was going outside and I rushed there. I sat at the pavement with my chocolate nut bar. I hated bringing food to school. One bite and a shadow hovered above me, Hardin! Oh God!

"Why are you stalking me?" I spat suddenly not interested in eating.

"Everyone is saying you are quite the snob. Why the mystery?" He peered into my eyes. I hated the way they mesmerized, luckily my mind kicks in at the right moment.

"Well if you think I'm one of those girls that live on popularity, then sorry. Wrong gal." I said suddenly interested in my snack. Another bite. "Look, as you can see I'm currently interested in eating before class, not talking to stuck up boys like you." I spat.

He chuckled. Am I funny? I stood up to leave, he grabbed my arm.

"There is a party tonight, would you come?" he asked. Seriously he didn't listen to any thing I said, this boy is darn annoying. I regret the day I sat at his desk, point noted.

"And why would I come to a party that you're coming for? Besides I don't go for parties" I said yanking my arm from his strong grip. Training does pay off.

"Just for fun and you can bring your friend and brother." Great, everyone knows Paul's my brother. Safra never turns down a good party. Curse this.

"Fine, Safra would love to but I'm not happy." I said and left. Bell. Yes, class with Paul and Safra.

"Rye, come on." Safra called out in chem. class. it was three seater desk.

"You guys up for a party?" Safra's face literally lit up and Paul smiled while I rolled my eyes.

"Do you even need to ask?" Safra said. "Whose party is it?" she added pausing her happy dance.

"Hardin invited me, but he didn't say whose it was?" I shrugged. Not like I was interested.

"But you hate parties. Why did you agree?" Paul asked.

"Obvi." I said gesturing at Safra and dance of joy. "You look happy to take her out too, right?" I whispered.

"That's why I love you." Safra cried hugging me. The class went by with me imagining how boring this party will be. Urgh! I hate them.


School ended and Safra was still asking whether I can come to her house to dress. I didn't want to cause I knew I could go over the top at her house, it's not like I didn't have good clothes. My dad is a Mafia and a very successful man, we attend all types of events, so I had all categories of dresses. I finally convinced to come to my house.

Mafia In Love (Book#1) In The Mafia Love SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now