Chapter Seven

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I found my eyelids struggling to open up, but when they did, I wished they hadn't. My surroundings made me flinch a little. I was outside, but it seemed like I was on a roof. I was laying against the corner of this roof area with sandpaper-like bricks behind me, scratching my back up. It was dark, but I could still see a little bit.

Looking downwards, I saw my bottom half completely exposed- shoes, pants, and even underwear strewn to the side of me. I gasped, adrenaline surging through my body. I grabbed the clothes and hurriedly slipped them back onto myself. Memories of what had happened poured into my brain quickly.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god," I said, volume getting louder. "No, no. Oh my god."

What had I done? I fucked up. I fucked so bad, so extremely bad. I brought my hands up over my eyes and felt warm water on my cheeks. I didn't even attempt to stop it. I let myself cry hard and I didn't even try to keep quiet. No one was here anyways. 

This was what your parents warned you about when you were younger. It was what you thought couldn't happen to you, but the fact that it happened at all wasn't the worst part. It was the fact that is was my fault. It's not like I was grabbed while walking home. I let myself fall into the trap. I was blinded by a smile and a friendly conversation.

I had been drugged and even continued to take this drug- whatever it had been. Rape is a dangerous thing. You're not home-free after it's over. Now I had to get tested for STDs and even being pregnant.

What was I going to do if I was pregnant? Thoughts raced through my head. My life would be over. I didn't have money for an abortion, but I also didn't have money to raise a human being. God, I was truly in a horrible, horrible situation.

How would I tell people? How would I tell my parents... or Tyler... or Josh? They would all say "I told you so." and I wouldn't blame them. This was my fault. I contemplated not telling anyone at all, but soon realized it might cause more trouble than just telling them. 

I grabbed my purse which laid to the side of me. I saw a piece of paper which I didn't remember to be there before.

 "Thanks for your number and your apartment name. Maybe I'll see your pretty self soon." the paper read with sharp handwriting.

My skin scrawled. Did I really give him my information or did he find it in my phone? I had no clue. I picked up my phone to see a dozen messages and missed calls. I started to read them from the bottom, least recent up to the most recent.

"Tyler: You doing okay? I hope you're having fun." 11:03 PM

"Tyler: It's been a few hours... you home safe?" 12:56 AM

"Missed Call: Tyler Joseph" 2:14 AM

"Tyler: I'm coming over. Hope that's not weird." 10:36 AM

"Tyler: Employees here said there's been no trace of you since you left last night..." 11:47 AM

"Tyler: It's okay if you needed to leave town to get away or something... just tell me you're safe." 1:25 PM

"Missed Call: Tyler Joseph" 7:52 PM

"Tyler: I'm so fucking worried. Just say something. Anything." 11:40 PM

"Tyler: I can't even sleep." 2:09 AM

"Tyler: Josh and I are going to go file a missing persons report tomorrow if we don't hear from you by then." 8:59 AM

"Tyler: Fuck I just hope you're okay Jessica." 6:17 PM

I looked up at the date and time on my phone, which was somehow not dead yet. It was 9:04 PM and it had been two days since the date I remembered it being. I had been laying here for almost two days and Tyler and Josh were the only ones that cared, really. I should call them, but I had to explain everything in person.

I slowly stood up and my body started to ache, especially my lower stomach. I cringed thinking of what had happened down there, but I quickly pushed away those thoughts, trying not to think about it.

I walked down the poorly painted white steps and sneaked through and past the "Employees Only" door, trying to be out of sight. I hurried towards the front and was out the door looking for my car. Before I knew it, I was driving hurriedly away from that place that I wanted to forget for an eternity.


hey guys this chapter is so short but it took a long time to write- not sure why, but it did. anywho, how do you think tyler and josh are going to react? thanks for reading :) 


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